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Story follows a stalker and the one whom he stalks.

As the story goes on, find out why he is following the person and if it really is deemed stalking, or if he's just watching over her.

Possible points in the story:
- young girl is really his niece, and he's making sure that her parents' murderers don't find the young girl. Follows her growing up, and him making a mistake when she's a late teen... or early twenties, and she gets taken, and then he has to go find her.

Up to you to decide if you want her to find out he's been watching her...

- young woman is the daughter of a politician, gone on a vacation. He's there to inconspicuously watch over her and make sure nothing happens to her. She's stubborn, which is why she doesn't have personal guards on her... though she does have a few undercover guards following her... will she find out?
(I think it would definitely be a neat love story for the main guy who was a part of the undercover guard team.. the leader, to actually dress in normal clothes and introduce himself to her and befriend her, so that he can actually watch her much more closely.... and then as they hang out, and get to know each other, they fall for each other.... then she finds out that he was sent to watch over her and she breaks things off, saying that he never meant any of it. He of course admits that it is true, he was sent to watch over her, but that his feelings were genuine. She doesn't believe him at first, and even attempts to lose him through the crowds of the city....
She's then taken, and he and his small team have to find and rescue her).

I'm all about someone being taken and needing to be rescued. I know it's cliché, but I love it just the same.

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