The Beginning of Everything (unfortunately)

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She had woken up to the smell of strawberries.

Now she wouldn't normally care if she smelled strawberries, it's a rather pleasant smell to be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that she currently didn't have any strawberries in her house to begin with. 

Oh well. Could be a neighbor or something.

She mentally shrugged, still too tired to process the still rather unusual fact, before stretching her limbs out, getting out all the strains and creaks in her body. 

But it's as she blearily opens her eyes, that she sees a room full of pink.

What the fuck.

She quickly sat up, struggling to process all the fucking pink  why the hell was there so much pink!? Who even needs this much!? ━ around her, and the fact that this was not her room. She suddenly became aware of the feeling of something soft and silky against her arms only to look down to see even more fucking pink. 

Pink. Hair. 

YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME actually never mind that for now. I'll get back to that later. Let's move right on to where the fuck am I?! Corvina warily glanced around the very pink room before closing her eyes to sigh in annoyance. Just my luck to wake up in an unfamiliar place, most likely kidnapped, the day before my college entrance exam. 

Dear god, please just let me get fucked by a chainsaw wait no, my kidnapper might have some questionable kinks


Corvina jumped at the loud unexpected shout. Oh god, I'm gonna die. My kidnapper is calling me ━ 

"You're gonna be late for the academy!"



The panicked girl swallowed. Did she just say Sakura? AS in Haruno Sakura? The girl with the pink hair? The fangirl? Also... did she just say the academy?

She closed her eyes with a groan. Please tell me that this is not one of those stories where some lucky fellow gets reincarnated as some anime character... 


Desperate for literally any kind of reassurance that this was not what she thought it was, Corvina quickly hopped off the bed, vaguely registering the very fluffy pink carpet that touched her toes, before practically sprinting towards the vanity in the corner. She came to a rough stop in front of it, very nearly crashing before stopping herself by putting her hands against the mirror. She froze.

This cannot be her life.

No, screw that, this isn't her life in the first place! Where in the hell was Sakura!?

But the evidence was all there. The light pink hair, the viridian green eyes, even the scrawny body paired with the infamous large forehead, which wasn't even that large like c'mon!

She looked 12, she guessed? Usually, in those... fanfictions, you were either reincarnated as a child or as a teen about to start the story line.


"I'm coming!" Jeez, woman, give me some time to process my impending death.

Corvina sighed, a pale hand reaching up to tug on a pink lock one last time before she had to face the music.

Reincarnated as Sakura Haruno?!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora