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        "Sam, Eric - look!" The shaggy haired boy, Ralph, motioned for the twins to join him by the window. He pointed out of it, directly at a moving van outside their home. The three boys peered out the window, observing for a while, and just as there seemed to be nothing going on - a slight movement came from behind the truck.

A boy, perhaps around Ralph's age - maybe a little older, stepped out from behind the vehicle, holding a book in his hands. He was dressed in a clean choir uniform, his fiery hair stayed in flowing curls around his ears, and tried his best to keep his dress shoes away from the muddy puddles left from the rain. He walked slowly, deep in thought, enjoying every bit of his book.

Ralph turned his head and saw his friend Piggy standing in the doorway. "What are you looking at?" he asked, walking towards them. Sam motioned for him to come closer. "There are new people next door." Piggy pushed them out of the way, glancing down at the boy in the yard. "Do we know them?" Eric shrugged. "I suppose their new in town, let alone in this neighbourhood. I hope they realize what's best for them and get out of here while they can." Ralph spoke.

"Maybe they aren't aware of the things going on round here." suggested Piggy. He picked up a conch shell from the display shelf to the left of them. He stared at it for a while, then turned back to the boys. "Maybe we should see'em and give them a this here shell. Maybe then...maybe then they'll accept our gift and leave." SamNEric nodded in agreement, looking to Ralph for a final vote.

"Alright, let's try." Ralph sat up from the floor by the window, and lead the boys out of the room and down the stairs. They exited the house one by one, and skipped towards the tall, red-haired boy with the conch in their hands.

"Hello," Ralph paused when the boy looked up at him. His icy blue eyes pierced right through him, filled with intensity. He didn't say a word - he just eyed Ralph, waiting for something to happen. Ralph smiled sheepishly, carefully holding the conch out between the two of them. "What in God's name is this?" said the boy, finally. Ralph looked back at his friends for reassurance. They all nodded, and he turned back to the new boy. "It's a gift...from us to you." The mystery boy raised an eyebrow, looking at the shell, then up at Ralph, then back and forth, again and again.

"Why?" He said in a inquisitive tone. "N-no reason at'all." spoke Ralph. "Just...we were hoping you'd leave this place if we offered you something." The boy became angry. His face slowly turned a bright red, but his cvoice stayed low. "Why? Is there something wrong with me? If anything, there's something wrong with you lot. There's no reason for my to leave, and there's no reason for other boys, especially a lanky and weak bunch like you, to boss me round. Capulets do not mess about."

Ralph's eyes widened. "'re a Capulet?" The Capulet boy took a step towards Ralph, now towering over him. "Yes. And why is that of any significance to you, silly boy?" Ralph swallowed. "I...we must leave now. I am truly sorry for disturbing you, Mr. Capulet." The boys backed up, and began to run home, until Ralph heard a voice from behind him.

"Wait!" Ralph turned to meet passionate blue eyes. The Capulet boy walked towards Ralph. "Here's your stupid shell. It's of no use to me." he shoved the conch into Ralph's arms, his hand lingering on Ralph's.

He turned to walk back, but stopped in his tracks. Without moving his body, or even turning his head, he spoke once more. "And by the's actually Merridew if we're going to know each other form know on. Jack Merridew. I just live with my unle and aunt - and they are both Capulets.

Ralph stayed silent, trying to think of something to say in return, but he struggled with his words. "I..." he stuttered until Jack faced him. "I'm Ralph. Just Ralph." he watched Jack smile and turn away. He just smile in return, holding back his tears. He was scared - incredibly scared.

He was a Montague.

*Hey guys! I'm just testing out some other fics so that's why I havent' updated the Rory one in a while...I have this and a few others, but I'm just testing them out to see how I like them...If you could let me know what you think, that'd be great! If you guys like it I may continue...if not, it'll be just for me, and I won't publish any further chapters. Thanks! Happy Easter(f you celebrate), and have a great day/night! <3 :)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2015 ⏰

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