The Dawn Goddess

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The Dawn Goddess


Spiritualist, psychic, same thing... right? I haven't done much research into the, um paranormal? Well, personally, I prefer to be called "Extreme Historian."

Well, anyway, my name's Serena. I'm 16 years old and I would just like to say that my power has it's good and bad points. What power you ask? I can speak to the past- or the dead, but the past sounds better. I try not to freak everyone out by talking to "them" in public, but the only thing the separates "them" from the living is an occasional shimmer around their bodies. That, or they they can just fade out until they're back on the other side. Or wherever they go- I honestly don't know.

I think they just like to come and visit from... wherever. Usually they leave me alone, but some (usually elderly old ladies) just want to talk. Then there are those who who like to tease and plain out just want to mess with people like me. There are only a few that go out of their way to to torture us, but they're still extremely annoying.

Bright side of it? I have a power no one else has.

Down side? I've got a power that no one else has. I'm the freak. The psycho who likes to "talk to herself," well, I guess talking to the dead isn't any better though.

Who knows? Maybe I am loony.

I don't even remember how I got these powers. I don't remember anything before waking up in a hospital bed with me having no idea what had happened to me, even though the doctors said they found me in a sort of a mini-coma-passed-out-state. 

I have absolutely no idea what's going on or why I ended up in the hospital only to wake up and find that I had no contacts and no identification. The doctors assume that I'm around 16 and the only thing I remember is that name Serena, so I'm assuming it's mine.

Oh, and the last strange thing? I woke up two days later with an armband on. It was thick wired and it's got a beautiful piece of amber placed in it's center. It's definitely a cool piece of jewelry, but where did I get it? I tested the fact that maybe the amber was giving me the power to see the dead, but even when I took it off, I could see them. Why?

I intend to find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2011 ⏰

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