Chapter 1

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To say Hermiones day couldn't have been worse would be an understatement. Starting off, Ginny forgot to wake her up, aware of Hermiones sleepy tendencies. Just when she was starting to feel more herself, she also managed to be late to half her classes. Snape was quite surprised, partly delighted, and removed a handful of points from Gryffindor. Hermione found it tough now that the time turner was no longer in her possession, but she knew it'd take time to adjust.

And to top it off, she body slammed into the brisk and sharp build of none other than Malfoy.

"Gah!" Exclaimed a recognizable, cocky tone. Hermione spent no time in backing away from the blonde, with no intention of causing a scene.

"Quiet down, Malfoy. I didn't murder you." Hermione huffed, swiping off the imaginary dirt. "Not yet, anyway."

"Tch, mudblood. You'd nearly broken my rib." He said, scowling in disgust. Hermione returned the look. Nobody watched them though, as the corridor poured students evenly in and out.

Scoffing, she said, "What are you? Some dignified boar?"

Malfoy didn't know what a boar was, and he found this upsetting. An absolute muggle insult to violate his pride, coming from a muggle born.

"Shut it. Don't want to deduct anymore points from Gryffindor, hmm?" He sneered. Devils advocate Hermione gritted her teeth in thought.

"I'm not the only one. You happened to have quite the time in potions today, didn't you Malfoy?" Draco did indeed struggle with potions that day, but only because Crabbe was his partner! Never again.

"What exactly are you getting at?" Malfoy frowned. Hair fell into his eye, which he momentarily flicked away.

"That.. I.. erm.." Hermione hesitated, nonetheless, continued, "I'm better than you. Smarter." She added.

Initial shocked roamed Draco's silvery gray eyes, as he held his confidence dear to him. Yet Granger was shriveling it up to pieces, and he wasn't a fan. So he thought to the top of his head, and the idea only took seconds to form into an ideal sentence. An offer.

"Oh yeah? If you're so confident why don't we place a little a bet." Hermione raised a brow. Intrigued, she beckoned for him to continue. "You have to get Pansy Parkinson to fall in love with you."

"And you?" Hermione asked. She clutched her books a bit tighter than before. Noticeably, her knuckles turned a shade brighter than Draco's hair. "Who'll you manage to fall?"

With a glittering smirk, and eyes that deceived even the slyest of foxes, he said, "Harry Potter."

And unconsciously, Hermiones usual tight lipped smile was replaced by a rather peculiar smirk. She knew just how much joy this would be, this strange bet between Malfoy and her.

heyyy. hope you guys like this so far. the first chapter is kept short, but things progress faster this way. i don't want this to be longer than 5 chapters, and perspectives change frequently.

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