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"Alright, thank you guys for tuning in to the stream! Today is Chazm's last night here so it's cool to see everyone stopping bye to say goodbye."

"See you soon, chat!"

"Say goodbye to Chazm, everybody!"

Eighty clicked the stop streaming button and let out a huge sigh as he stretched.

"Man, that was tough."

Chazm stared at the now black screen, eyes focused on one spot, lost in thought.

"Dude, what are you staring at?" Eighty asked, snapping Chazm out of his reverie.

"Huh? Oh, nothing. I'm just tired, that's all." Chazm muttered, gears still turning in his head. He rubbed his eyes as Eighty stared at him with a raised eyebrow. Chazm rolled his eyes and made eye contact. His jaw clicked before he finally asked, "Wanna go to the balcony?"

"Dude it's fucking cold," Eighty complained.

"Shut up, you big baby. Come on, I wanna see the stars."

"Ugh, you're so annoying," grumbled Eighty. He stared back at Chazm's eyes before caving in. "Alright sure. But if you're cold, that's your own damn fault."

They left Plumpy on the sofa as they made their way out to the balcony. Chazm stood to Eighty's left, both boys looking at Minnesota's night sky. Stars laid out sparsely across the black canvas. Their warm breaths creating puffs of smoke into the crisp cold air.

"Why are we out here suffering when we could've been warm inside?" whined Eighty.

Chazm clicked his tongue and answered, "I just wanna see the stars, man. They're beautiful."

They stood there in comfortable silence for minutes before Eighty noticed Chazm slightly shivering on the edge of his vision.

"You're shivering, idiot." Eighty chided. He grabbed Chazm's right hand to his slightly larger ones and rubbed it together.

"I'll be fine. Shut up." Chazm muttered, face now red and warm with embarassment, but not letting go of Eighty's hand.

"Yeah yeah okay." Eighty muttered, clearly not believing in the boy's sentence. He blew a breath of warm air to the shivering hand. "Now give me your other hand."

Chazm watched in fascination, his face still warm and red, as Eighty rubbed his hand with his brows furrowed in utter concentration.

Eighty finally let go of Chazm's hands, and Chazm quickly shoved them in his hoodie pocket, now both his face and hands were warm.

They continued staring at the sky, the air slowly thicking with tension. Chazm let out a shuddering breath as he finally mustered enough courage.

"Did you really meant it?" Chazm asked in a really small voice.

"Huh?" Eighty turned his head to look at Chazm, but the boy is staring ahead at the night sky and stars, avoiding his gaze.

"You know... What you said earlier.." Chazm trailed off, fiddling with his hands in his  hoodie pockets. Red now slowly creeping back to his face.

"Dude what are you talking about?" Eighty asked, smirking just a tad at the edge of his mouth, tone slightly mischievous.

"Ugh, you're so annoying, dude. You know exactly what I'm talking about."

Eighty continued staring at Chazm before the latter finally caved to the tension. "The stupid midnight kiss thingy you mentioned you absolute fuck."

Eighty let out a hearty chuckle, eyes shut and head thrown back in laughter. "Come on, man. I literally asked on stream who's gonna be on top and who's gonna be on the bottom and this is the one you're bringing up?"

"Dude shut up! I know you were only joking about that. But you know.. this one doesn't sound like a joke and I don't know what you want, man." Chazm grumbled. He was now actively avoiding Eighty's gaze, looking to his left. He slowly felt even more shame, slowly starting to regret his decision to speak up and confront Eighty. For seconds that felt like hours, he can still feel Eighty's gaze on his face before the taller boy finally averted his face back to the black sky.

"My bad, man. If you felt uncomfortable by my comment. That wasn't my intention," apologized Eighty.

Chazm snapped his head back to Eighty, now he was the one staring. That wasn't what he was expecting, at all.

"Uh- Fuck, uhm- that wasn't what I was expecting." blurted Chazm. Eighty met his gaze and raised an eyebrow. Chazm had to blinked a couple times to focus on the boy's eyes instead of his lips.

"What do you want me to say then, Chaz?" asked Eighty, voice slightly heavier. Chazm blinked a couple more times, before swallowing an empty throat and looked to the front, once again avoiding Eighty's blue eyes.

"Uhm.. Man.. I- I don't know.." mumbled Chazm. Shit, how was he going to explain he wanted to take Eighty's offer up on that. Chazm's head was spinning as he struggled to complete the sentence. He was about to apologize and ran back inside before Eighty suddenly grabbed his upper arm and pulled his body to face the boy.

"Wh- What are you doing?" asked Chazm in panic.

"Do you want me to actually kiss you?"

Chazm's mind reeled in shock and he froze, eyes widening. Did he heard that correctly? His eyes darting to each of Eighty's eyes, as if he could look for an answer there.

He couldn't take it. Eighty's intense gaze, his frowning face, the slight colour to his cheeks, the way his tongue unconsciously licked his lips. The way his freckles decorated his handsome face, his long eyelashes fluttering slowly as he blinked. He grew more conscious of the grip on his arm, it felt even tighter, warmer.

Chazm finally mustered enough strength to shake off Eighty's grip and yanked the neck of his stupid navy Nike hoodie. Chazm shut his eyelids closely as their lips finally made contact. He didn't want to see Eighty's face, he was prepared to be pushed back.

However, the push never came. Instead, Eighty's hand creeped up to his face, cupping his cheeks. He continued the kiss, deepened it even more.

Chazm forgot whatever he was thinking, mind now empty, focused only on the feeling of Eighty's lips on his. His knees buckled, feeling weak. He gripped tighter on Eighty's hoodie, refusing to let go, scared he won't be able to prop up his own weight.

Eighty finally broke the kiss, immediately blurting, "Stay with me. Don't go back to Canada."

Chazm could only stand there, eyes fixed on Eighty's intense gaze, mouth still open from shock. He could only let out a pathetic attempt for an excuse.

"B- but, I booked a flight already..." he trailed off.

"Shut up. Leave it. I'll pay you back for it if I have to." Eighty immediately replied. His gaze somehow getting more intense. "Please, don't leave."

Chazm felt his knees buckled for the second time as he immediately nodded dumbly. At that moment, as his eyes continuously made contact with Eighty's, he could only thought of a single sentence. He wasn't going to go anywhere.

Eighty broke off the eye contact, letting out a shaky breath, nodding. He smiled, then he closed his eyes.

Suddenly he laughed.

"God, that was so corny."

Chazm couldn't help but laugh with him.

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