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Name: Celestaia Lynette Keys (sell-es-TAY-uh)

Age: 20 (Dream is 22 and turned 23 at the time of writing this)

Birthdate: December 17

Height: 5'5

Occupation(s): Professional chef, Twitch streamer

Twitch/Twitter: chefestaia (main), staiachefa (alt)

Hobbies: cooking, baking, ice skating, roller skating

Love language: physical touch

Fears: hobby-related injury, culture detachment, loss of smell/taste, depths

Soulmate: Sir Dream (informally, Mr. WasTaken)

Story of: two kids on opposite sides of Twitch finding out that they're next-next door neighbors and have a common love of food, ice skating, and each other

Author's Note: This book has a lot of brownies in it. A ridiculous quantity, quite frankly. I don't know why, as they aren't even my favorite dessert (that would be strawberry popsicles), nor are they my favorite baked dessert (sugar cookies, snickerdoodles), but that's neither here nor there. Far too many brownies, but they're here to stay. You have been warned.

Also, the majority of this fiction was written before Dream's face reveal. That is, it's written with his descriptions based solely off of vibes and general characteristics. The Dream in this book isn't the Dream in real life, so the descriptions will stay as they were pre-reveal.



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