I do care

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General p.o.v.

Isabella let out a sigh, leaning up against the wall . Today was yet another eventful day , but not eventful enough.Sure the things Phineas and ferb created were impressive, and really fun, she wanted more out of life. There is more to it than building rollercoasters or mechanical dogs than hell of it. Don't get her wrong she loved the things  they do, and she loved how creative they were.

But she also loved Phineas, and would give anything for him to notice her .The way she noticed him. Yes ,shr was his friend and he cared about her, Obviously. But she was beginning to wonder if he really did . Would he really care if she didn't show up one day?  Would he noticed if she started crying for no apparent reason? Would he hug her and tell her that everything is alright? Would he just ignore her for his projects?

She then made a decision. A pretty dumb , petty decision. But she had to know the truth . She had to know ,did she mean anything to Phineas?  Did he actually care about her?

  After putting on her pyjamas, she tucked herself in bed and stared up at the ceiling. Don't go over to his house tomorrow. Don't go the next day either, and don't tell him why  . Don't tell him you are sick or anything, just ignore him .A voice in her head told her, making her tear up ever so slightly. Keep yourself in your room until he notices.

It was probably very mean of her to do , but she felt like she needed a few mental health days, anyway , so this test was a bonus. Lately she hadn't been feeling like herself, and had a lot of questions that no one was answering.

The next day, she stayed in bed late, and upon waking up, did not immediately get dressed just to go over to Phineas' across the street. She stayed in her bed like she promised herself, resisting the urge to say 'whatcha doin' to her crush. Thankfully her mother would be working all week so she could be home alone then.

Isabella stayed home the next day, too. And the next day, and the day after that. She pretty much stayed in her room all week, only ever leaving to eat or use the bathroom. Otherwise, she was a blob in her bed. She'd constantly get phone calls and texts from her friends, especially Phineas. But she ignored every single one.

The test to see if Phineas cared about her slowly drifted from its purpose. It was actually becoming a problem,and unhealthy problem for the poor girl. She was rarely eating, rarely showering, sleeping too much, and often crying. There was more to this than Phineas, she knew that. She was a pre-teen, feeling things she was confused about, going through changes she was too embarrassed to admit. She didn't have anyone to go to about it.

It was starting to seem like she didn't ever want to leave her room. On the first day, she constantly walked out to grab a snack or to feed Pinkie. But as the week went on, she just laid in bed all day, letting her stomach beg for food.

Her absence was really beginning to frighten her friends, especially Phineas. She never answered her phone, never answered the door. They all tried so hard to get in contact with her, just to say hi or to ask if she was okay, but they never could.

Normally, Phineas was able to think of project ideas with the snap of his fingers. But ever since the second day of Isabella's absence, he was losing his creativity. He couldn't really think of anything to do because his mind always drifted back to her, and what she could possibly be doing in her house all by herself. Why was she ignoring him? Why did she stop coming over? Did he do something wrong? Perhaps it wasn't specifically him, since she was giving everyone the silent treatment.

Horrible thoughts tended to rush in his mind as to what could be going on with her. He didn't even want to go there, but he was starting to wonder if she was even still alive. It was a drastic thing to assume, but it was the paranoia speaking.

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