Part One.

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* Before you start reading, I apologize if there's any spelling mistakes throughout this! I wrote this pretty quickly so auto correct may have screwed me over lmao. As this is my first fic, please leave suggestions if you think I should change anything :) Enjoy

"Lisa and Jean have been gone for quite awhile now" Kaeya smirks, spinning the bottle playfully.

"I'm not surprised" you spoke up, but were soon cut off by the creak of the door sliding open. There was Lisa and Jean. Jean was blushing like crazy while Lisa had an innocent smirk on her face.

"My my, took you two long enough." Kaeya chuckled, glaring at the girls who had just entered the room.

"Pardon us," Lisa spoke softly "things got a little out of hand~" she teased as Jean elbowed her in the side.

"Ahem" Jean cleared her throat as the two sat back in the circle. "I believe I have to choose who spins the bottle next." She exclaimed while her eyes did a loop around the circle.

"I think Diluc should go next" Lisa hummed. "Hm.. I think you're right." Jean added on after looking at Diluc.

Diluc grunted. He hated this game but he lost a bet so he had to join. "Fine." Dilucs hand reached for the bottle, and spun it around.

You hoped it wouldn't land on you, as you and Diluc weren't very fond of each other.

The bottle did at least five loops before it started to slow down, choosing its next target.

The bottle suddenly came to a stop, aiming right at you. It's almost like it read your mind, wanting you cause a ruckus.

You groaned, "Can he spin again?" you asked, looking around the circle. Lisa and Kaeya chuckled.

"I'm afraid that's not how this works darling," Kaeya exclaimed with a grin on his face. "Now run along you two. We'll see you in 10 minutes."

Both you and Diluc sighed, getting up from where you were seated comfortably.

Finally exiting out the door, you whispered to Diluc. "How about we lie to them. They don't need to know we didn't do anything."

"Mhm." Diluc hummed, looking forward.

« Alrighty Mr. Grumpy pants » you thought to yourself.

Finally after entering Jeans office, you two walked into the closet near the far right of the room and shut the door. There was nothing but silence.

About three minutes has passed, "This is boring," you sighed "If Kaeya were here It would've been way more exciting" you said jokingly

Diluc grunted, "I can be exciting too, you know."
"Is that so?" you teased, "Someone like you can be exciting?" you giggled.

"Tsk.." Diluc huffed. "I could get anyone I want if I tried." You felt his eyes shoot down at your face.

"Alright then, let's see it." You declared in a confident tone. Diluc gave a curious look but soon understood what you meant.

"Alright." his tone suddenly went soft.

He slowly walked towards you and grabbed your waist with his left hand, and cupped your chin with his right.

He slid his finger across your bottom lip slowly and gently, but stopped and pressed his thumb down in the middle.

He smirked while staring at your lips. You could feel your face growing red.

You could feel his hot breath on your lips as he leaned in to kiss them, but you put your hands on his chest and nudged him while you shot your view to the ground.

"Alright!" you huffed, hiding your now completely red face. "That's enough, I believe you."

"That's too bad, Y/N," he hummed "I was hoping to do so much more with you." He lifted your chin up to face him.

His glare was enough to drive you crazy. Who knew someone like him could have a side like this.

"I.." you stuttered as you tried backing against the wall, but only to bring him with you.
"I think we can leave now." you finally got some words out.

"We cant leave until we're done, remember?" He looked back down at your lips and leaned in, finally sneaking in a kiss.

The first part was soft and gentle, but then it started to a get more passionate. You felt his tongue enter your mouth in search for yours, and you let him in.

Soon enough he slid both of his hands down to your thighs and lifted you up against the wall, supporting you with his hands and a leg.

He soon pulled away from the hot kiss, leaving a string of saliva from your mouths. You let out a deep breath while trying to get some air.

Diluc looked to see your expression, It was weak and your face was red, your lips were trembling. He bit down on his lip "Your expressions are so cute, Y/N." He was always so soft spoken with a somewhat raspy tone in his voice

Diluc slowly started leaving butterfly kisses on your neck, trying to find your sensitive spot. Once he hit it your body jolted and your legs wrapped around him.

For a moment you could feel Diluc smirk into your neck as he left a trail of purple marks.

"D-Diluc.." you moaned, a tear forming from your eye form how sensitive you are.

Diluc pushed himself against your private which made you let out a heavenly noise.

"Diluc please.. we really have to go" you said in a shaky voice. "Admit you underestimated me and we can stop." Diluc whispered softly, still leaving marks on your neck.

You huffed, "Alright! I underestimated you, now please let me down.."

Diluc stopped what he was doing and gently placed you down. He backed away so you could get some air and space.

Your breath was heavy and hot but it soon slowed down. You kept staring at the ground from embarrassment, trying to take in what just happened.

"Well," he sighed "It's a shame we had to stop. I was really excited for more" he teased.

You pressed your lips together and ignored his comment. His touch had left your legs weak so you were still leaning against the wall.

He soon opened to door to leave, and that's when he saw what a mess you were in. His eyes slightly widened.

Diluc groaned and shut the door and locked it.

Last update: 1.6.22
Should be updated again soon <3

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