Toxic BF!Dabi x GN!Reader

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(This is another one shot/POV based on a YouTube playlist. All rights to the playlist go to the creator, vcronica. Go check them out! I suggest you start this playlist at the beginning of this one shot to improve your reading experience and make the POV more imaginable, I guess.

The reader is friends with Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado, and Tamaki Amajiki ((the Big 3)) in this, which is why they're briefly mentioned. They are 19-20 years old and Dabi/Touya is 23-24 age wise.

This POV/one shot is much more angsty than the fluffy content I usually write, so please keep that in mind. If you don't like one shots with unhappy-ish endings, I'd highly recommend you skip this one and wait for another fluffy drabble or read my past, less sad one shots. A little irrelevant but I'm still working on my Dablyn holiday special, so bear with me on that! I hope you like it when I post the first part!

If you ignore the trigger warnings below and my warnings above, read ahead and enjoy! Maybe hold your favorite stuffed animal close and grab some tissues if you love Dabi/Touya as much as I do too. This one hurt my heart to write so don't feel bad if this one shot tugs at your heartstrings as much as it tugged at mine.

TW: Manga 290 Spoilers, Angst, Cursing)

Sunshine to Darkness


"Where have you been, Touya?!" You ask your boyfriend, Dabi, as he enters your apartment for the first time in at least two weeks. You've been focusing more on work than caring about him, since you assume he's been doing the same to you.

"None of your business." He mutters back indifferently. "It is my business if we're dating. You could have been hurt, or-" You answer protectively and run in front of him, cupping his face in your hands.

You see this solemn twinkle in his eyes, but crave for knowing what it means. "I...I fucked up, (your name)." Dabi speaks up finally. You know you shouldn't be smiling, but you smile whenever he tells you things. "This isn't funny! I'm serious." He chuckles despite implying not to. You don't always get along but you wish he didn't see how trusting you felt so special. You frown at remembering what he said.

"Dabi, what-I don't understand." You reply, "What do you mean you fucked up?" He slowly takes a breath and lets it go, running a hand through his dyed black hair. "I got caught with you around me and I have to break up with you-"

Your heart throbs in your chest. "Touya, no. Don't say that-" His eyes water with blood as he shakes his head. "I got involved with the wrong people outside of the League and they want to hurt you unless I leave you alone." Touya explains as droplets of blood slowly spill down his cheeks. "I'm so sorry."

"You can't be serious!" You raise your voice. "I didn't mean to hurt you, (your name)!" He yells back apologetically as you feel tears threatening to fall down your face as well. You growl under your breath with disapproval before giving him a sympathetic hug. "Why are you such a troublemaker?" You murmur with sorrow oozing from your voice as you bury your face in his chest. "I don't know, doll. I think it's the only thing I know how to be." Dabi answers and gently lifts you up bridal style, taking you to the bed.

Thankfully, you have a feeling the bed wouldn't be creaking tonight. You wouldn't want anything like that to happen again. Especially with this painful future awaiting your inconsistent relationship.


The two of you lay next to each other, cuddling in bed despite the tension throbbing in your chests. "So...this is it then?" You mumble in the nighttime silence. "I don't know how else I can protect you." He answers, gently stroking your back and holding you closer to him. His touch is so tender. He holds you as if you were made of glass, like you were going to disappear if he didn't hold you enough.

You felt a suffocating pain, worse than the pain from any of your past fights with him over incredibly stupid things. You didn't realize how hard this was going to hit you. " could you let this happen?" You scold him softly. "I didn't think we were being watched. I should've been more careful-"

You gently press a finger to his lips. "You're just leaving me? After everything? I-I can't believe this. And I don't need to be protected. I may not have a quirk but that doesn't make me this helpless rag doll you think I am." You snarl softly. "I couldn't forgive myself if something happened to you on my account! Please understand that-" He pleads, trying to reason with you. "Mirio was right. I should've never gotten involved with you. You're so, so lucky he didn't report you to the police ever, because of me. For me."

Touya clenches his teeth together for a moment, still giving you his full attention. Then he frowns and lets his jaw relax knowingly, letting the words jab at him. "He and his friends were the only people that ever really cared about me and I pushed them away...for you. Who was going to do this to me. You were both right about something, I do deserve better." You rant passionately, feeling so guilty for pushing away your support system for a man who didn't appreciate you.

His eyes glimmer with hurt and the sincerest apology you've never heard, but you both knew you were right. Before you could fall for his charms again, you wriggle yourself out of his arms and roll over onto your other side. You feel his eyes fixed on you as you stay facing away from him. "Good night." You mutter and hold yourself tightly. "Please, dollface. At least hold my hand. I want to remember how your hand feels in mine." He begs, scooting closer to you. "Fine." You hesitantly lay your hand out for him to hold, blushing at how perfectly your hands fit together.

"I love you, sunshine." Touya whispers, stroking your hand with his thumb. "I love you too, but you broke my heart. I hope you're happy, Touya." You whisper back. "I've never felt more pain in my life." He answers, his voice barely audible. "G-good." You remark tentatively as the scarred villain presses his lips to your knuckle. You two fall asleep together with a bitter taste in your mouths.

No more kisses good night, no more cuddles and making fun of horror movies. No more petty fights and no more pillowtalks.

All you know and all you could think about was the overwhelming pain from your world never being the same again.

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