Son of Dawn Part 1

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Chapter 1: Soup Cans, Ninja Stars, and Eidolons

"Run! Run!"

Four teenagers scramble down a dark alley, shadows on their heels. The youngest of the four screams. "They're getting closer!" she sobs, knowing what will happen if they get caught.

The oldest looking, and the most odd-looking teen- due to his horns and goat legs- yells back, "Don't worry Abby! I know a shortcut!"

The third one in pretty armor and a sparkling sword smacks him with her free hand. "Oh, just like the shortcut that got us here in the first place?"

One of the shadows growls then pounces. In a flash of golden light, the fourth companion slices the beast into dust. "

Marvin! Valentina! Shut up! This is not the time for bickering!" Valentina laughs, despite their terrible situation.

"Wow Sherman, did Miranda teach you that word?" she asks mockingly. "Because I'm pretty sure you couldn't say bickering by yourself."

Abby screams.

As they argue, they realize that they are running toward a brick wall.

"A dead-end!" The goat-man yells.

"Fitting name," Sherman mutters. "Valentina, you and I will have to hold them off."

He sighs, thinking of a plan. Miranda, I wish you were here, he thinks, I don't think that a satyr, a daughter of Aphrodite, and a newbie is much help. If I die, may Ares let me destroy all my enemies.

Please Dad, he begs in his mind, I know I wanted that chariot of bones -like any other child of war- but I need your help. Then he starts to count the monsters.

Meanwhile, Valentina is also having a chat with herself.

Dang, and I never got to meet the guy. Hey Mom umm, Aphrodite, I need help. Paolo was cool and all, but he's back to Brazil. I want to meet that guy, the one who sweeps me off my feet and stuff.

And all the satyr thought was, Good-bye Campbell's tomato soup cans. You were tasty.

The monsters were on them two seconds after the satyr's final goodbye. Sherman slashed, stabbed, and whirled his blade, but even he couldn't take on all the monsters. After Sherman sliced through a strict, a hellhound bowled over the warrior, and snapped at his face. Sherman used all his strength, but he would soon be overpowered.

Then a whistle pierced the air. A shuriken made of Celestial bronze, sailed into the hound's side. Before it could even yap, it melted into the shadows.

Out of the corner of his eye, Sherman saw a figure leap onto a rooftop that surrounded the alley. One of the Cyclopes snarled at the shadow.

"You! What are you doing here?! This is our turf!"

The shadow chuckled. "This is my territory, don't start a fight. These half-bloods are mine to deal with."

"I don't think so, these are mine!" Another creature roared angrily.

The shadow was silent for a few seconds, then responded quietly. "Don't test me, eidolon. I will destroy you if I have to."

The wisp growled defiantly. "I'd like to see you try." The shadow cocked it's head to one side. Then with the speed of Hermes' running shoes, he jumped, somersaulted in the air, and landed on a hellhound.

The hound roared, throwing the human shaped shadow off of it's back. The figure flipped and landed in front of Abby, who screamed.

Then the hellhound whined, and the four companions saw that a gleaming blade was stuck in it's back. The creature gave one last shriek, then melted into the darkness.

All the other beasts growled, and they all charged at the figure in black. It pulled out a sword, and chuckled coldly.

Abby shuddered. That sound was so scary, there was no warmth or love in his heart. Sherman, however, was focused on the figure's sword. The blade had four metals in it, like Luke Castellan's Backbiter.

Except, instead of Celestial Bronze and steel, he could see that the blade also contained silver and Imperial Gold.

Sherman immediately understood why the blade was forged that way. Not only could he destroy regular monsters, he could also take on werewolves, which could only be killed by silver, and he could defeat mortal foes with his steel. Sherman admired and feared that blade.

Valentina was in awe of the warrior. Marvin just feared the whole situation, his goat knees knocking together in panic.

He didn't know if this stranger liked goat meat. He really hoped not. He decided that he would heal Sherman's wounds to get his mind off of the goat-eating shadow.

Within minutes, the entire phalanx of monsters were demolished. Only a single Harpy remained. The stranger walked to the demon; sword covered in yellow powder. "Would you like to test me?" The swordsman asked, and his sword gleamed.

The Harpy shook with fear, and flew away, as fast as lighting. The shadow turned around, then sighed. It took off it's mask, and revealed a teenaged boy, around their age. "Well? Why are you all gawking at me like fish?"

Marvin's left eye was twitching, and Abby was shaking. "What w-w-were th-those?" She whispered, and tears slipped down her cheeks.

The stranger cocked his head to the side. "Get up. You don't have much time until they catch up. And you're leaving right now. Before I tell them where you are."

Sherman looked at his group, who were all limping and wincing at their wounds. 

We don't stand a chance. There's still another thirty miles until we reach camp.

He hated asking for help. He turned to their rescuer. "Can- you. Help us." He muttered, staring at the ground. The boy's eyes gleamed like a cat toying with a mouse.

"Son of Ares, eh? Tell you what. Bow down and I'll think about it." He smirked.

Sherman looked infuriated. "Hell no." The teen shrugged and started to walk away. "Your funeral." He said over his shoulder.

"Wait!" Valentina begged. "We have to get out of here, Sherman. And he's the only one who can help us!"

Sherman was infuriated. Instead of clobbering the punk, he bowed and asked through gritted teeth. "Will. You. Help. Us?"

The shadow flashed his white smile. "Why, of course. Since you asked so nicely." He walked back to them. "This way, if you please."

He threw his sword through a window and picked up Abby, who shrieked. "Relax, kid. I only eat little demigods when there's a full moon." He leaped and kicked himself off of the walls, and through the window.

"How did he do that? Marvin yelped. "That's two stories high!"

Valentina sighed. "Better question: How are we going to get up there?" As if on cue, a rope flew down from the window. He stuck his head out. "Hurry up, before the monsters come." His eyes danced with lazy amusement as the rest of the group struggled to climb up.

"Now, let's start moving."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2022 ⏰

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