Chapter 1: Welcome to the Project...

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There was nothing at first, just darkness. W-what's going on?! Where am I?! Then it hit me. Who am I?  Fear set in quick as I tried to move, tried to remember. I felt something cold trace two numbers or letters on my neck at some point, but for hours that was all I felt. Physically. All I felt physically. Emotions were flooding in like a waterfall. Fear. Worry. Panic. I couldn't get myself to feel an ounce of calm, so I worried myself to a state of "sleep".

Time skip

When I woke up I could see again. All I could see in any direction was metal. Metal floor, metal walls. The only thing that wasn't metallic were about twenty-seven kids of different ages. All their eyes were fixed on me. They all had something unusual about them, green or blue hair, pink eyes, animalistic features. "Where-where...?" I managed to ask. "Come over here, it's okay." One of the girls said. Her hair was blue and her eyes had a calm but piercing glow. I crawled over to her and she put a hand on my shoulder. "Where am I?" Everyone looked at each other. "We're not exactly sure," one of the other girls said. "But we do know what we're doing here." I looked up at her as she pulled a boy beside her and turned him around. "Look." She said, pointing at the back of his neck at a tattoo that read, 44. "We were kidnaped and experimented on in here. None of us remember who we were or how we got here, except Lucas." And she pointed to the oldest boy in the room who was standing beside the blue-haired girl. "Hi," he said. His voice was higher pitched than a boys' usually was. "I'm Lucas. And don't worry, everything's going to be fine." I stared at him for a while. "You look like a girl." I said. Everyone started laughing. Then a part of the wall swung open like a door and a blond-haired man stepped through. The laughter vanished. "Eighty-seven, come with me." He said, staring at the crowd. The blue-haired girl brushed my hair aside and looked at the back of my neck. "That's you, kid." One of the others whispered. "We're sorry for whatever happens next..." I stood up and walked shakily over to the man in the door. The man grabbed me by the wrist and dragged me beside him outside, the door shutting behind him. We walked through the bone-white halls in utter silence. Suddenly the man stopped and sighed. "I know what you want to ask." He said. "Where, why, and who are you. I don't know or care. But to save myself the trouble, this is what you look like." and he handed me a makeup mirror. My hair was light brown, my eyes were dark grey, and my tanned face was clear and spotless. That was about to change. The man snatched up the mirror and put it in his pocket. "Keep walking." He said. We twisted around corners for what seemed like ages before stopping in front of two doors. "I believe it's high time I introduced myself." The man said. "I'm Dr. Smith and I will be giving you a virus of sorts that may grant you powers and unnatural features, or it may kill you. Best of luck." And he opened one door and shoved me in. In front of me was a large window into an observing lab. "Doctor," A woman's voice said over an intercom in a warning tone. "what have we told you about trying to injure the subjects?" I watched as Dr. Smith walked in, looking pleased. "What? This is most likely to kill her anyway." He said. "So let's get on with it." There were three other doctors in the room besides Dr. Smith and they all looked annoyed. One of the doctors sighed and pressed some buttons on the control panel in front of him. "Beginning Transfer One." He said. I heard a hiss come from the walls and a weird smell filled the room. As whatever gas the scientists were exposing me to filled my lungs I started to choke. I coughed and gasped for any kind of oxygen but I couldn't breathe any in. The more I coughed the darker the room got and I realized that I was hacking up smoke. Suddenly black lightning snapped in front of me and started spiraling around me. Smaller tendrils of dark lightning crackled into existence and soon I couldn't see anything else. I screamed as something hit me in the back and again when another hit me in the arm. I turned only to see the lightning stab me in my ribs like a spear. More and more bolts sunk into my skin and I screamed louder. One struck me in the back of the head, the other sunk into my heel. Then the last bolt hit me in the chest and everything stopped. The pain disappeared and the lightning sunk into my skin. What I felt was indescribable, like electricity was sparking in my veins. "Take her to get Transfer Two." Someone said and the door opened. Three doctors dragged me out and I spent the entire walk to the next lab staring at my hands. In the next room, I was locked in a metal chair, facing a large mirror, and Doctor Smith was standing in front of me with a syringe full of pale red liquid and some kind of dark spikey orb that kept splitting into a thousand pieces then joining again. "Stay still." He said, grabbing my head and pulling the needle up to my neck. I started hyperventilating and panicking. "Get away from me!" I shouted. "Don't touch me!" My voice sounded like thunder and an arc of dark electricity almost hit Dr. Smith in the shoulder but missed him by an inch. Without a word, he stabbed me in the neck with the needle and injected the liquid and spikey object into my veins. This time it didn't hurt as much as the cocoon of pain, but I felt like my skin was covered in ice but my veins were made of lava. I screamed but all that came out was an animalistic roar. I closed my eyes, I couldn't look up. I didn't want to see what was in the mirror. After a long time, I felt my body return to normal and I glanced up to see that my hair had gone black and there were streaks of toxic green running through them like contaminated rivers. My eyes were the same color and dark veins in my face started to fade. Dr. Smith unlocked me from the chair and pulled me up. He still didn't say anything, not until he threw me into the room with the other kids. "Don't try anything." He snapped, his mouth twisting in a wicked smile. "Welcome to Project AGI."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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