coming out: larry one shot

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Harry gripped Louis' hand as they prepared to step off the plane. "It'll be fine, babe," he said reassuringly. Louis swallowed and nodded. They had played their last show on their last tour yesterday, and they were back in London about to greet their fans for the last time before the band was done for good. It had been hard finishing the tour without Zayn, but he was always there for them.

Oh, and Louis and Harry were about to come out as dating to the world.

Louis was a nervous mess; Harry just wanted to get it over with. He knew deep down that they would be supported and it wouldn't be as big of a deal as he was making it, and the rest of the boys were glad it was finally happening. When Louis and Harry informed them of their plans, Liam had called Harry's mom for him and told her what was happening. "Oh, my baby boy is finally going to be happy!" Anne could be heard through the phone from the other room.

As Harry tugged on Louis, trying to get him to move, they could both hear the screams from the fans outside of the plane. "Louis, it's fine. We can finally just live in peace, no more hiding or sneaking around," Harry said, placing a hand on Louis' shoulder. "You're right, love," Louis said, shaking his head. "I just don't want anyone to be disappointed." "Trust me, there won't be any disappointment here," Harry laughed. Louis nodded, and took Harry's hand again as they moved to the end of the plane.

When they stepped off, just as expected, thousands of fans were there, holding signs and taking pictures. Harry waved his hands in the air until the crowd became generally quieter. He pointed to the nearest reporter. "Are you getting this? Can you hear me? I'm about to make an announcement." She nodded excitedly, talking to her cameraman. Harry sighed loudly.

"Everyone? Hello? Everybody? Hello? Can you -" "LISTEN!" Louis shouted. Everyone quieted down. He smiled. "Thank you."

Harry scratched the back of his neck. "Uhm, so we'd kind of like to say something." "Yeah," Louis chimed in. "You see, the thing is, when the band was still together, we couldn't really say anything about it. But, we'd like to tell you that we love you very much, and, uh, Lou, want to take it from here?" "Sure," Louis replied.

He wrapped his arms around Harry's neck and kissed him.

It took everyone a moment to realize what had just happened. But when they did, the screams were deafening, and the flashes from cameras were blinding. Reporters were chattering to their cameras, people were calling their friends, it was chaos. "Well, thank you everyone, we're off now! Thanks for the memories!" Harry shouted one last time before climbing into the car that awaited them. "That went well," Louis said, putting a hand on Harry's knee. "Yeah, it did," Harry smiled. Louis snuggled into Harry's neck as the car took off for their home.

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