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11:00 AM. Looking down at the header of her homework Settie began to write her name, the date, and then her class period. The class was quiet, as usual. The teacher muttering the lesson up front, and the kids in the back bickering over nonsense. Settie's mind started to wonder off, like it often did. Lucifer, Lucifer Behr, her stuffed bear she brought everywhere with her, sat next to her on the floor. He was a quiet gentleman; Sir Luci was what she called him. "Luci." She whispered hoping no one noticed them. Luci turned. "Settie". Though Lucifer couldn't actually talk (or move) but he was full of character to her, and had personality, somewhat of a crappy one, but at least he tries. As the day went on her imagination continued to go wild, of all kinds of scenarios ran through her head. The final bell rang and Settie ran to get her bag from the back lockers. 

6:00 PM. Dinner was nearly done and Settie was doing her usual hour of swinging outside. Thinking. When she was called in for food, she ran inside to find it was one of her favorites. Shrimp! Eating happily and then returning to her room to relax. 

8:00 PM. Ready for bed. She was unusually more tired than usual but going to bed early wasn't out of the ordinary, so she did so. 

10:00 AM. She woke up. Today wasn't a school day so she got to sleep in. 

12:00 PM. Something weird was going on. Settie rarely ever watched the news but loved getting warnings sent to her on her phone. Like if something is stolen or there's a storm coming. And today she got one, but not only that, that warning was everywhere. 

"People dropping dead from unknown causes. Please remain in your homes as a safety precaution."

Underneath the shock Settie felt... excited. This was the first real sign of an apocalypse, and she was HERE for it. Deciding long before to do this on her own, she packed a bag and got Lucifer prepared. She however still waited for more news on it if it happened to be a hoax. 

Diary: I am so excited. I can't even explain how excited I am for this. If this does happen to be the end, I wonder what I'll do in my spear time? Hunt? Hide? I've dreamed for this for so, so long! Please let this be the moment I've been waiting for. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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