<ch. 1>

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(Miya's thoughts are in bold and y/n's are in italics)

I was standing around at S watching beefs go down when I noticed someone lying against a tree on a 3ds, I don't know why they caught my attention but I think it was because of how they appeared to me. They had on a bunny hoodie, that looked really fluffy, and from what I could see they had blonde hair sticking out of the hood of the hoodie. (This is how ur bunny hoodie looks like: )

 (This is how ur bunny hoodie looks like: )

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( this is what ur wearing, and u can't change it MUAWAAHAHAHA 👺👺👺>:)

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( this is what ur wearing, and u can't change it MUAWAAHAHAHA 👺👺👺>:). )

then I saw Shadow walk over to them picking up their skateboard,

Shadow: "Oh my god what is this, it looks so bad ahahaa"


Shadow: "so what are you just not gonna speak? that's so stupid."

???: "uh can you please get yo musty dusty crusty hands off my skateboard, it would be very appreciated if you did."

Shadow: " so she can speak, hey why don't I challenge you to a beef and if I win I get to burn your skateboard."

???: "ok, but if I win I keep my skateboard and you shut up."

Shadow: " alright let's do it right now"

???: " k whatever"

*3rd person POV*
When the beef started y/n was incredibly fast and doing really high Ollie's all over the place, she almost looked like a bunny while doing it, Shadow was confused and mad at the same time because she looked new.
Near the end of the beef y/n's hood flew off because of the gust of wind headed towards her from going at full speed.


Wow, that was actually
kinda good, maybe I should challenge her too? I don't know, it could be fun.

Shadow came back to me and our group

Shadow: "ugh I can't believe that I lost to another kid"

Langa: " um 🤨"

Shadow: " sorry Langa, but it's really annoying."

while they were talking I was focused on that girl, I really want to know what their name is so I don't have to refer to her as "that girl in the bunny hoodie", cause if I did it would be really annoying. She left to go back to the tree she was originally at, some slimes were still shocked about what happened, but I just walked over to her.

Miya: "hey, what game are you playing"

???: " Mario kart 7, one of my favorites"

Miya: " cool, hey um what's your name by the way?"

???: "y/n, yours?"

Miya: " oh mines miya, and can I play with your 3ds? I've never played Mario kart 7."

Y/n: " sure, Miya :)"

Author's note
Hey y'all if u have any tips please list them here and I hope u enjoyed my first chapter, btw I literally update once in a blue moon so please be patient or don't, whatev :3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2022 ⏰

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