Chapter I

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    He couldn't feel his tears. He couldn't feel anything anymore.
    How many years had it been since the archon war? All those years ago, when his chains first chinked in? He could practically feel them, writhing as they choked and suffocated him. Binding him. Killing him.

    Xiao watched the streets of Liyue from his vantage point on Mt. Tianheng. The mortals moving below went about their days, shopping and exchanging pleasantries. The yaksha didn't know how Ganyu could stand living there for so long, people smiling and completely oblivious to all that is around them. To all the Adepti had bore witness to.
    He sighed and turned to leave, about to soar back to Wangshu Inn when he heard a whisper on the wind. His name. No, not calling for him, but talking about him. The voice... yes, that was of Aether, Xiao thought upon further inspection. It had been a while since the Traveller had last called his name, though often he heard, though only lightly, him speaking it. He guessed the golden haired saviour was in Inazuma currently, which would explain the quiet whisperings instead of clear voices.
    He shook his head and took off into the air, feeling the rushing wind soar past him as he shot towards the Wangshu Inn. He was there in a matter of seconds, landing lightly on the deck at the top of the treetop inn. He turned, his cape flowing behind him, and entered through the large opening, heading for his designated room. The room was simple, a wardrobe, bed, rug, tea table and chair all arranged neatly around the small space. He sat himself in the plush chair, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding in. He didn't dare sleep, since he knew what would come of it.
    Nightmares. None had real stories or plots to them, but all were full of agony. Excruciating pain, flashing reds and whites, dark patches clouding his vision as he barely held on to consciousness. Those times when he passed out from exhaustion were the only times he could bare the torture, any more frequent and it would tear him apart faster than it already was. Though he was very much awake — tired, but awake — he could still feel the dull pain. The nightmares only enhanced it to an unbearable point.
    Pushing these thoughts aside, he hear a knock at the door.
    "Come in." He ordered.
    It was Smiley Yanxiao, the cook. He was holding a platter of Xiao's favourite, almond tofu.
    "I heard you return and thought you might be hungry."
    The teal haired adepti nodded his thanks and cocked a head towards the tea table, indicating to the chef that he could place it there. After the man had left, Xiao took a piece and nibbled on it half-heartedly.
    He always preferred Aether's cooking.


Hello hello and welcome!! Sorry it's short. Enjoy this fic!

— Author-kun

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2022 ⏰

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