Chapter 1: Prologue

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The morning was like every other. Woke up with a sore throat, and aching back and The usual tasteless goop for breakfast. The crop farms broke down a while back, so daily meals are manufactured from kelp and seaweed. The gray sludge looked as unappetizing as ever, so I decided to skip breakfast. I lived in the only remaining human colony that remained after "The Rain". That was the day when most of humanity was wiped out through nuclear armaments and the surface of the planet was left uninhabitable. In the following months of the event, the remaining humans came together and created the ARK. All humans who had survived the initial bombing were instructed to gather at an underground facility that was constructed after the bombing by the leaders of the ARK. I worked on floor 28, Which was dedicated to one division. The SCD (Species Conservation Division), which was the one I was assigned to, my job was kinda simple, just feed the remaining population of animals so that the higher ups could enjoy savory meals while the lower class had to do with goop, which was made from condensed plant matter and electrolytes. Speaking of meat... On my way to work I decided to visit my friend Travis who worked in the research division, he's one of those higher ups I was talking about. Anyway I stopped by and as usual I could smell the bacon and eggs from a mile away. I was about to knock before the door flew open and, him being his usual hyperactive self, pulled me into the living room. He sat me down on the table, threw a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me and stared at me before I could even ask him how much caffeine he'd drank that morning.
I didn't complain though, since I got to eat one of the best meals in the last month. Once I was done scourging down my breakfast, he poured me a glass of- "WHAT? YOU HAVE WINE?!" I yelled, I'd never seen a bottle of wine ever since the world ended, so the fact that he could leisurely pour me a glass without hesitation reminded me of his position. "Yeah I got this bad boy from the vineyard, it's been aged for 2 years." He replied while looking at the bottle. "So what's the special occasion?" I asked, believe it or not he's a little more excited than usual. His grin grew so wide I thought he was about to gouge my eyes out, "We found it." He said almost as menacingly as his smile. "Found what? And how long's it been since you showered?" He really reeked, I never understood why he'd wear a robe everywhere. "Try and guess" ugh if only I had a dollar every time he made me guess something, "I'm not in the mood for games Travis, what'd you find?" He let out a sigh, "I know you're stupid but I didn't know you forget things that quickly" I thought for a moment about what he was talking about when it hit me. The reason Travis is this 'rich' is because he works in the satellite monitoring division, which basically scans all nearby planets in hopes of finding one that can sustain the human race, I think you see where this is going. "You found an exoplanet? Really?" This was hard to believe since Travis normally plays around quite a lot. "Not just any exoplanet, we believe it has life.." I sat there with my jaw so wide open, Travis could fit three of those breakfasts in it. "You're joking... Where?" I was as curious as ever... But then that's when my holo-watch started deafening me.. I was late for work, I'd been at Travis's house for... 45 MINUTES!! I quickly thanked him for the breakfast and wished him the best of luck in his little find. I ran as fast as I could to the elevators and almost broke the buttons because of how hard I smashed them. Thankfully I wasn't stopped by anyone on my way to my floor, but the elevators move really slow to 'conserve energy' but most people know that's bullshit. Rumor is that the government is working on something that needs a lot of energy, maybe I could ask Travis about that when I see him next.
Little did I know the next time I saw him, my life would be turned upside down.

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