}•{ Arguments and tears.

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~•} C H A P T E R|10 {•~

Vardhaan ran a hand through his messy hair as he slowly stretched his body a little and sat on the bed yawning a little.

He frowned seeing Ishani laying on the bed with a blanket wrapped on herself like a cocoon.

Don't tell me she got rid of those uncomfortable clothes and now is sleeping naked!

He thought being horrified.

Ahh! Whatever. Why should I care?

With this, he jerked off the bed and moved towards the bathroom increasing Ishani's heartbeat.

Ishani peeked out of the blanket and cursed, "Shit! My clothes are still inside the bucket."

The next she saw was Vardhaan closing the door of the bathroom and she gulped to moisten her throat which dried due to dread.

The only sound echoing in the whole room was the tickling of the clock and her fast beating heart as the bathroom was soundproof.

Minutes later she heard the clinking of the bathroom door is unlocked and she closed her eyes hard anticipating the worst while clutching the quilt tight as if her life depended on it.

But she was surprised to her core when she heard him whistling softly to himself, she slowly opened her one eye to peek at him and there he was, moving towards the wardrobe with a towel wrapped around his waist.

This man didn't even notice his clothes in buckets and took a shower directly. Just greatest!

She thought and rolled her eyes.

A second later she heard his scream, "Ishani Vardhaan Rathore!"

Gulping thickly she poked her head out of the blanket and keeping the most innocent face asked, "What?"

"Where the fuck have you kept my clothes?" He gritted his teeth.

"...Which clothes?" She tried to keep a confused expression on her face.

"Are we playing the innocent-innocent game now? Just shut the hell up and tell me where are my clothes?" She flinched at his loud voice. The tension on his neck chords was visible, his posture stiff as he glared at her.

It was no use to lie more. He would find out either this or that way so inhaling a deep breath she murmured, "They are kept in the bucket."

The next moment she heard the door of the bathroom being opened harshly.

Breathe in. Breathe out.

She chanted in her mind to maintain her calm but this failed when she heard the two buckets being thrown hardly on the floor.

See. It's the bucket, not you. You are safe yay!

She chided in her mind and pulled her quilt above her head.

After a few moments of deadly silence, she felt her quilt being yanked off roughly from her.

Dread settled itself deep inside her as she gazed at the man in front of her who was giving her a death glare. His face had a murderous look. He looked no less than a serial killer.

His hands were balled into fists and he was even shaking slightly due to the anger he was feeling.

But the moment her eyes trailed down she wasn't able to control the laugh that threatened out of her lips.

He was standing there wearing a pink bathrobe but that wasn't the reason for her laugh as she wasn't a person who believed that a particular color represented a particular gender. The reason for her laugh was the red kisses printed on it.

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗥𝗮𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿𝗲 𝗙𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝘆Where stories live. Discover now