Movie Night Surprise

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Luna felt the giddiness lifting in her chest as she drove, Host in the passenger seat of her beat up Jeep, Munk and Zyggy in the back seat chattering excitedly. They had been planning this all week, hoping to surprise everyone. The drive to Walmart was a quick one, everyone talking at once over the soft sounds of music playing over the radio. As she parked the car and everyone climbed out, she pulled her hood up to cover her almost unnaturally pale hair, her gray eyes hidden behind glasses as the foursome moved.

"Alright, Host, Zyggy, you guys are on snacks and drink duty! Munk, you and I are on movies and sheet detail. Gotta find a big enough sheet to stretch between those two big oak trees deep in the woods."

"The one's like a mile or so from the lake?"

"Yep, those are the ones. I figure'd that'd be the best place since it opens up into the big meadow so everyone can join."

Luna chattered on as she and Munk headed off with their own basket, Host and Zyggy heading off with excited shouts of "SNACKS!" following after them. She shook her head with a grin as the two made their own way towards the movies, Munk dancing down the isle ahead of her to the music coming from the speakers above them. A Snicker left her as he spun around to see her watching, shooting finger guns at her with an eyebrow wiggle.

"Munk I swear you live and breath flirtation. It's your own version of a snack."

"What can I say, I see a snack, I wanna take a taste."

A blush flushed her cheeks as she ducked to hide her face from the werewolf, swatting at him as she walked passed him.

"Tonight is about movie night not "see who can make Luna blush the most" night."

Luna grumbled as she walked backwards, her words complete with air quotes and all, and started going through the movies, hearing his chuckle as he turned his attention to the movies as well. Before long they had it narrowed down to a double feature of Edward Scissorhands and Ghostbusters. With that done, Munk went off to get a sheet, after she requested he hopefully find a king sized one, and had to roll her eyes at his quip about showing her his king size. She continued to browse through the barrel of movies, making sure she didn't loose track of any good finds, when a set of arms caged her in from either side. Recognizing the gloves, she leaned her head back to stare at what she had thought would be a smiling face, and was met with white eyes and a smiling, fanged face.

"Hello DZ, are you wanting to pick out a movie too? And before you say Bambi, no that's not on the list. I'm hoping Dyrk will join us."

"Aww, well you're no fun."

"I am a hoot and a half, thank you very much. I didn't expect you to be out and about while Zyggy was on a mission for sugar."

Luna kept her voice soft as she watched his face above her, patience bright in her gaze as he watched her for a moment, before uncaging her and stepping to the side of her.

"Host never told me how you two met. I was curious who her new friend was, and wanted to make sure you weren't going to hurt her...And how you can see us."

The last was said with another feral smile. Her smile was soft as she followed after him, sure he was probably leading her back towards Host. Glancing over her shoulder, she kept an eye and an ear out for Munk as well.

"I may look human DZ, but...I'm what you would call a Lunar Flower. Kind of like a dryad, except I'm not a tree. When I die, my...spirit. Soul. Will become a flower that blooms in the moonlight, magical in nature. Returning the magic it holds back into the earth once more to be reborn. I'm told it's special for wolves and were creatures, though I've never had it confirmed. This is my first cycle on the Earth. Host and I bumped into each other while I was adjusting to human life. She helped me learn to blend better and how to avoid those who would want to harm me simply for being what I am. Host is my friend."

Luna smiled up at DZ as she spoke the last, spotting the girl in question down the isle with a cart full of snacks and goodies, Munk at her side, their laughter drawing the pair. A shoulder bumped into hers and she looked up, seeing that Zyggy had joined them once more, his goofy, fun loving smile replacing fangs.

"Time to check out and go surprise everyone, think they'll like it?"

"Oh yeah! It's gonna be great!"

His exuberance was infectious, bringing an excited pep to everyone's step as they checked out and loaded the car up and headed out. It took a bit to get to their location, the bags rustling over tall grass and shrubs as they hiked to their location, the car left in a safe location. Munk and Zyggy climbed up the trees to string up the big white sheet while Host helped Luna set up the portable movie projector and the snack table. Blankets were piled high on the end of the table.

"We ready?"

Luna asked, as she glanced around making sure everything was set before Host helped bring everyone else over into the quiet field. As Karsh and Demeter came through, a pair of antlers could be spotted coming through the trees as well. Host couldn't even get a chance to explain, before Zyggy excitingly yelled.

"Surprise!!! Movie night!! Are you surprised!?"

There were chuckles throughout the group as Host helped explain that tonight was a get together for everyone, something for them to enjoy between the land of Ishness's and those who helped from Host's side of things. Everyone grabbed a comfortable seat as the movies started, snacks were laughingly fought over as they settled, and peace settled like a comfortable blanket over the group as they watched. The moon shown down on the group from its crescent smile among the twinkling stars, as if happy to join in on the secret movie night among those that helped the world be that much brighter, that much more accepting.

It was late in the evening when the last chorus of ghostbusters echoed around them, the soft sounds of the forest lifted around them as blankets were folded and returned, empty snack containers were tossed into the bag for trash. Those from the land of Ishness Hugged Host, thanking her for the night before returning to Ishness, their chatter turning to whispers then silence as it was just Host, Munk, Luna, and Dyrk left in the clearing. Dyrk whispered his goodbyes before fading back into the trees, leaving the trio to clean up and pack everything up and transport it back to the Jeep.

"This was fun, I'd like to do it again."

Luna grinned over at Host and Munk, twin grins mirroring her own as they shoved things away in the back of the car. Luna dropped Host and Munk off at Host's apartment before continuing off to her own, content and happy to have made new friends.

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