Bₑfₒᵣₑ ₜₕₑ fᵤₙ dₐy

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  10:34 pm Friday, Raining and cold

Gumball cookie: *At home making "art"*

 *It was a long day at work you brought dinner for you and Gumball cookie. It was just some fast food. It had colorful packaging. The colors were Red, yellow, blue and some white. the packaging kinda reminded you of Gumball cookie, The bright and nice colors, the way it looked it just gave off his vibe. But anyway when you came back home you took off your shoes, and coat and hung it up. Gumball cookie heard you "Y/N is that you?" you yelled back because he was in the other room "Mhm come here I brought us dinner!" as soon as he heard that he gets up and walks to you "Ooooo~ what did ya get?" Gumball had a small smile seeing you home and also seeing the food. "Just some fast food that I got on the way. I didn't wanna cook tonight". Gumball cookie Chuckles "Oh hahaha well the food smells great and I love the packaging!! So not boring! Normally food places and stuff use the same old boring colors like red and yellow...and just ugly not interesting colors... " he kinda had a sad expression while saying it but he goes back to his normal self  "But yeah love the colors!! so bright and lively!" He had a big smile on his face "Umm so are you done talking about how it looks?" you said tiredly "Yeah yeah whatever." He looks at you "You look kinda dull" That was his way to say you looked tired "Well I mean every time I see you you look so.... colorless..." He looks at you kinda worried "Is something wrong??" "*Yawn* No now just eat your dinner...." Gumball looked a little mad. "Sure sure. well, tomorrow you have your day off so I'm gonna plan an awesome day just for us! Me and my pale Y/N!

You looked slightly scared and mad "Gumball please I don't wanna do anything...I need rest" Gumball sighs "Fine you can sleep for a Lil then you gotta wake up" you just wanted to go to sleep "Fine fine whatever just let me sleep!" Gum looks at you with a kinda bored expression "Ok then have sweet dreams also don't open our closet" you two shared a room but not beds, you guys had bunk beds you had the bottom-buck he had the top bunk. You looked at him slightly pissed "What did you do." Gumball looked a little scared like he said something he wasn't supposed to but yet he still had a very cheeky smile on his face "Oh Uhhhhh....-" He laughs nervously "I made some sick art pieces today so I needed a place to put them so I ended up filling up are closet with pieces of art! so yeah again don't open the closet or you'll get crush with my artwork" you were about to explode but you calm yourself down

"..." you went silent "I don't get time for this goodnight" you walk to your guy's room. when you opened the door you were shocked "GUMBALL!!!!!!!" Your room/gumballs room too had paint everywhere. gumball was standing there "Oh yeah sorry I forgot to clean the mess sorry Y/N" You wanted to punch Gumball cookie so badly "You better clean this crap up" Gumball rolled his eyes at you "Whatever whatever I will..." Gumball cookie gets some cleaning supplies and starts cleaning it up. You were standing there watching Gumball cookie making sure he actually cleans it and doesn't make a bigger mess "Make sure to clean everything I don't even wanna see one drop of paint!" Gumball had a kinda angry face "Hmph alright alright...." He continues cleaning. He was starting to get bored of cleaning so he tries to have a conversation with you "Soooooo how was work??" "Normal as always. angry customers...angry boss..." You said "Damn" Gumball said while feeling bad about you.

"But whatever just clean the room ill be back gotta do some work" Gumball nodded "Alright Y/N" You walk to the living room and get your paperwork and start doing it on the couch. the couch had some paint on it but it was hard to notice but anyways you trusted Gumball to not do anything stupid. 

10:55 pm

You check on Gumball cookie. You were calmer "Hey Gumball are you done?" Gumball cookie looked at you "Almost just gotta finish scrubbing the paint from the walls" You wanted to go to sleep so you asked Gumball "Ok good well I'm tired finish up cleaning ill get ready for bed ok?" gumball nodded "K  Y/N" You looked into the closet preparing yourself to be crushed by paintings but they weren't there "Oh yeah I put the paintings away somewhere" you smiled at gumball slightly "Hehehe thank you" You go into the closet and get some pj's. When you have them you go into the bathroom and change. after you put them on you walk back to the room to hug gumball goodnight. that's kinda what you guys always did. you guys were very close it was like you two were siblings or like mother and son. Gumball being the son you being the mother. "Good night gum" You gave him a quick side hug. He hugs back "Night night Y/N . Have some awesome dreams" You giggled and went into your bed. On the wall that was next to your bed, you had a few pieces of art that gumball cookie made and some band posters and some of your art! But anyways you got your phone and charged it and you make sure you did everything you needed to do. You yawned then you slowly fell asleep. Yep you were snoring...very loud and drooling too but so was gumball when he went to bed but anyways let's go to tomorrow

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