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You know i don't usually write but i only write when i want give my opinions about things. People talk about life always and how great it is for some and bad for others. But i think you need to know the thing to really feel life and her pleasure.we should open our eyes,and mind,and stop for a moment and ask ours selves some questions. Like why are we here some say to live and die later and enjoy life,others says god brings us to work i agree with those.don't you think that we are not brought here for no reason, since we know everything about and had our life. do you really think someone will give you something for no return and we have given life don't you think the giver wants something in return.we should not always think about life,fun,family and friends. It is a probleme when you always think about sex and socialize. I think before you socialize and talk to other people you should know your self first that's why some people are always rejected and they never figer out their probleme.people who always think about the others ,i know their not alot of them but i am one of them you will always see them not that fat or strong but the oposite. I would recommand them to stop a moment and think the most important person of your life who is yourself. When i look at the sky i see a place that i can not descripe that is huge and wide,beautiful and filled with light whether the sun or the moon and even the stars. I think the sky is very beautiful so where some will go and will go to deepest and scariest place why what ever we do in our life bad or good you have no choice between the two there is no other option so my advice is to be the who is going to heaven than to go to hell

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