First Day?

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Alec groaned as his alarm went off. He slowly opened his eyes with a sigh. He pulled himself up and off of his mattress. He stretched, feeling a satisfying pop in his back. He walked down the hall to one of his sister's rooms and knocked gently. He slowly opened the door, "Jas? Jasmine, it's time to get up."
Jasmine yawned sleepily, "Okay..."
Alec smiled at her, "Wake up Blaine, Julia, and Danielle, okay? I'm gonna shower and get breakfast going."
Jasmine nodded, "Okay!"
Alec smiled and kissed her forehead. He stood back up and left Jasmine's room, leaving her to do as he asked.

Alec stood under the warm, pelting spray of the shower. He bathed himself and stepped out, the sting of the colder air waking him up. He dried off and pulled a black tee over his head. He slid into worn jeans and put on black canvas shoes. He combed out his hair and stepped out of the bathroom. A little boy stood at his door, "Bubby..."
Alec smiled gently at him, "Hey, Blaine. You feeling okay?"
Blaine nodded, "I'm scared..."
Alec knelt down to be eye level with Blaine, "Hey, it'll be fine. There's nothing to be scared about, alright? Jas and Julia will be with you. I'll pick you up at 2, Dani will come home around 3, okay?"
Blaine nodded, seemingly happier, "Okay!"
Alec nodded, "Alright. I'll be down in a moment, then I'll drop you, Julia, and Jas off." At Blaine's nod, he smiled and closed the door. Alec shook his head slightly and whispered, "How did you do it, Mom?"

Alec pulled up to the door, "Alright you three. No getting into trouble on the first day. I can't come get you."
The three nodded and got out, running up to the doors and going in. Dani looked over at Alec, "Are you... Doing okay?"
Alec glanced over at her before returning his gaze to the road, "Yeah, yeah I'm fine, Dani."
Danielle shook her head, "I know I can't help you with them all the time, but that doesn't mean you should keep taking everything on."
Alec nodded, "Of course. I just... Raising them, even with your help, is nothing but stress. I can't be everywhere, and with Blaine just starting first grade? It's just..."
Dani placed a hand on his arm, "A lot. It's a lot is what it is. When mom and dad left them to you, I know it can't be easy."
Alec smiled vaguely, "Yeah... I wish it was."
"But you have me."
"Yeah. Thanks, Dani. I appreciate it."
Dani laughed, "Of course. Now, we gotta get ourselves to the first day."
Alec smiled and nodded, "Let's go."

When they pulled into student parking, Dani looked over, "Bus after school?"
Alec nodded, "Yeah. I'm leaving an hour early to pick them up and go to work."
Dani nodded back, "Alright... If you need help, have them call."
"Sure." With Alec's response, Dani left. Alec slid out and closed his car door. That's when a slim jacket was folded around his shoulders. Alec spun on his heels, "Ryder!" He smiled and tossed his arms around his friend.
Ryder grinned, "Hey, bro. Enjoy the jacket, I convinced em to make one for ya after you left the team."
Alec grabbed the jacket and pulled it off. He pulled it in front of him and smoothed the back, looking at the lettering. The name 'Raydman' was lettered on the varsity jacket. He look up and Ryder, "You didn't."
Ryder grinned and winked, "Oh, but I did."
Alec smiled and pulled Ryder into a hug, "Thank you, so much Ryder."
Ryder place his arms around Alec, "Of course, man. Sucks that we can't play together anymore since you're taking care of your siblings. But I got them to make you a jacket."
Alec slid the jacket over his arms and grinned, "This is now gonna be a daily." Ryder laughed in response.

Alec had his head resting in his hand. He was staring at the window, hardly paying attention. He sighed as he glanced at the time. He shook his head, it was barely twelve. He still had two hours before he could leave. At least it was nearly lunch. He had failed to confirm Ryder's schedule, so he didn't know if they had lunch together. At the bell ringing, Alec launched up. He grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder. A voice called out to him from the back of the class, "Alec, wait!"
He paused and turned to the girl that called him, "Hm? Oh, Vanessa, hey. What's up?"
Vanessa's face glowed red slightly, "Uhm, you have lunch right now, right?"
Alec nodded, "Yeah, why?"
She played with a bit of her hair, "Oh, uhm, I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me?"
Alec shrugged, "Sure. But if my buddy has first lunch too, he'll probably be eating with us."
Vanessa smiled with a nod, "Okay! That's fine!"
Alec smiled back and walked with her out of the classroom. He ignored the teacher's chuckles as they left the classroom. As soon as he exited the classroom, an arm was thrown over his shoulder, "Hey Al! You headed to lunch or class?"
Alec smiled, "Ryder, hey. I'm headed to lunch, actually." He gave a glance at Vanessa, who had stopped talking and was just silently walking with them.
Ryder smiled, "Aw sick. I got this lunch too."
Alec smiled back, "Awesome. By the way, you remember Vanessa, right?" Alec nodded to the girl walking with them, who turned to them with a small smile and a wave.
Ryder nodded, "Yeah, hey, Vanessa."
The girl answered in a small tone, "Hey, Ryder."
Alec nodded, "Great, she's joining us for lunch."
Vanessa nodded, "Yeah, I thought it'd be fun to eat with you guys instead of eating alone."
Ryder nodded, "Sweet. We can be a trio or something, instead of Alec and I being a duo."
Vanessa smiled with a nod, "Sure."
Alec laughed, "That'd be fun." He turned to Vanessa with a smile, "Ryder and I have been just a duo since fifth grade."
Ryder laughed, "Yeah, I always took care of this nerd."
Vanessa laughed, a small tinkling sound, "I can attest to Alec being smart."
Alec grinned with a chuckle, "There's gotta be some balance. Ryder's be jock and I'm the smart one. Except I used to play football too, so."
Vanessa smiled, "I'm sure you were great."
Ryder shook his head, "No, he was amazing. He was on starting til-"
Alec cut his friend off, "That's unimportant."
Ryder looked at him, and shrugged.
Vanessa looked at Alec, "Hey, Alec..."

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