Izuku Bio

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Name: Izuku Midoriya 

Quirk: None 

Stand: Time Destroyer 
Time Destroyer has two forms: Hakumen and Susanoo. Hakumen is the weaker of the two forms, but is the more easily usable form in combat. Susanoo is the more stronger of the two, but it also possesses a will separate from Izuku, and Izuku must constantly battle wills with it to use its power. Izuku can temporarily merge with either stand to boost its power and gain better control, but he can only maintain this for a limited amount of time before he must separate; in addition, after separating, Time Destroyer becomes dormant for a period of time proportional to the time separated. While merged, Time Destroyer is fully visible. 

Form: Hakumen 

While this form is weaker, it is by no means a push-over in combat

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While this form is weaker, it is by no means a push-over in combat. That sword also isn't just for show, as Hakumen is an expert with it. Hakumen has the ability to manipulate time around him and Izuku. Speeding up or slowing it down, rewinding or fast-forwarding it, skipping moments in time, looking into the future or past, appearing in multiple places at the same time, all of these are within the capabilities of Hakumen. His strongest ability, however, is Time Banishment: the ability to completely remove someone from the timeline at all points simultaneously without causing a paradox, though Hakumen must charge up energy in his sword to do this, and must then directly hit his opponent with a sword slash to enact it. 
Hakumen lacks the raw power of Susanoo, but makes up for it with speed, technique, and control. When merged with Izuku, the two can maintain the fusion for up to 3 hours without strain to Izuku, and separating at or before this point does not force Time Destroyer into a dormant state, instead 'recharging' the amount of time that Izuku can be merged without strain at half the rate it was used (ie: 1 hour merged requires 2 hours of charge). The maximum amount of time he can stay merged is 24 hours, though going over 3 hours will result in him being unable to use Time Destroyer for half the total time he was merged. 

Form: Susanoo 

This form, at base, is five times stronger than Hakumen

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This form, at base, is five times stronger than Hakumen. Susanoo fights not with technique, but raw destructive power. It can mold that power into various forms, such as enhancements to his attacks, pillars of fire, or a sword all his own. Susanoo can manipulate time, but it's much less controlled than Hakumen: He can stop time for 5 minutes, rewind time by 5 minutes, and see up to 5 minutes into the future. His raw strength is also much higher, being able to overpower most stands and quirks through physical force alone. Susanoo's ultimate technique is Time Consumption: the ability to steal time from others and add it to his own. This can be done for a multitude of effects, including slowing enemy attacks, rapidly aging the enemy, or causing the effects of ability overuse on other stand users or quirk users. Once Susanoo steals that time, he can use it for other effects, including extending the reach of his time manipulation past 5 minutes, de-aging Izuku, or destroying the time to boost his power even further. 
The main Drawback to Susanoo over Hakumen is that Susanoo has a will of his own: the will to destroy. Izuku believes it's connected to one of his ancestors also using susanoo, and that ancestor's personality bleeding into Susanoo. However, the two have a sort of understanding: if Izuku is to die, Susanoo will be stuck in limbo until someone else of his bloodline manages to unlock him, and if either Izuku or Susanoo come to harm, the other is hurt as well. So, Susanoo allows Izuku to use his power, but Izuku is not permitted to order him around like a dog or slave; Izuku respects Susanoo's individuality from him, and Susanoo respects Izuku's wishes during combat by not going overboard. There's also the matter that if Susanoo goes out of line, Izuku can just switch to Hakumen if necessary. When merged, Izuku gains full control of Susanoo, but he can only keep this up for about 30 minutes before he starts feeling the repercussions: Susanoo is so powerful that Izuku can sometimes be damaged by the recoil of his own attacks. Also, after merging, Susanoo is forced to go dormant for an equal amount of time to the time he was merged with Izuku. The maximum amount of time that Izuku can be merged with Susanoo is around 6 hours, but Izuku's never pushed it that far. 

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