
335 15 3

TW vomiting, Dissociation, self hatred

also if you read my other fics and though that this one would be similar it not sorry :/ and this is a song fic, its based on July by sir Chloe. 


The sunlight dwindled, rays of heat shining on Ranboos' body.

He lay, almost lifeless, in a field he wouldn't recognize if he awoke, spots of colour dotted the field, blue, orange, red, pink, and yellow flowers surrounded his unconscious body in its Enderwalking state.

Eyes flickered open, taking a couple seconds to unblur and register his surroundings, a concerned expression slowly crossing Ranboos face, questions flowed through his mind, how did he get here?

Why was he here?

Where was this flower infested field?

Ranboo steadily sat upwards, sitting on his butt and resting his hands on either side of his body.

The sunlight almost blinded the tall boy and he smoothly moved his arm in front of his eyes to block out any sun.

Ranboo racked his brain for the reason he was here, was he Enderwalking again?

He must have been. But what must have caused his switch into his Enderwalking state?

Ranboo couldn't remember if he had been around Dream before he had switched to his state, as he was usually the person to cause Ranboos Enderwalking.

How long had he been Enderwalking?

When was he last in the right state of mind?

How long has he been unconscious?

Ranboo couldn't remember, he hated the fact that he couldn't, he hated himself for not being able to remember, he hated the fact that this was the way he was, he hated it, he hated it, he hated it.

Ranboo shook his head with both of his hands digging into either side of his head and hair, he needed to find out where he was and do that before he could slip into his confusing thoughts and let them consume him.

Ranboo looked around to try to identify the surroundings, he saw an oak wood forest in one direction and a desert in the other direction.

The desert seemed to stretch on for miles and miles with no water in sight so Ranboo chose to go towards the oak wood forest.

The forest wasn't thick or dense with trees, in fact the trees were quite pleasantly laid out, in an almost systematic format.

Ranboos' hands made their way to his head and ran themselves through his dual toned hair. The boy recognized the anxious behavior that he was displaying and took deep breaths as he walked through the forest, it was a half arsed way to try to calm himself down.

The silence of the area surrounding Ranboo was such a dramatic contrast from the buzzing noise echoing off the walls of Ranboo head, The rapid beat of his heart didn't help him at all.

Where was tommy? Where was tubbo?

Those were just more questions that Ranboo couldn't answer.

The tall teen looked around, going off the fact that the sun was just rising he deduced that he would have all of the day's daylight to find his way back before he would have to find somewhere to rest. Hopefully that would be long enough for him to recall some of the stuff that he had forgotten.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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