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One of the nurses, a kind looking black lady named Isabel gave me a tour of the ward, my parents just dropped me off, luckily them going in with me is optional, makes me less nervous about my situation...and I'm 20 years old. I never been to an institution before. Will my experience here be disturbing or will it be like a luxury hotel? We'll find out. Isabel showed me to my room, across from my bed was an older woman smoking a cigarette and looking out the window.

"I will be right back, it'll only take a few minutes. Francine, this young lady just arrived here and I have something else to do very quick, you don't mind keeping her company? She's nervous...on edge."

"No, not at all."

Francine smiled kindly at me.

"When I come back, I'll show you to the lounge."

Isabel left the room, Francine put her cigarette away and walked to me.

"Hello lovely," she said as she sat by me on the bed.

"Hi," I replied.

"You look so terrified. What's your name dear?"


"Peggy, you have a beautiful name."

I felt my face rise in temperature, meeting a new person I guess.

"Your name is too Francine."

She smile, took both my hands and patted them.

"What brings you here?"

"I don't think I wanna talk about it right now, I just got here."

"Oh I understand Peggy."

Suddenly, speakers down the hall were blasting.

"Good afternoon everyone, this is the second afternoon of St. Jude's Hospital Radio, with me is Campbell Bain, my trusty assistant..."

Then, some type of jingle played for a few seconds. Then, another voice talked.

"This is Campbell Bain, Eddie's trusty assistant and we're here to bring you the oldies but goodies to St. Jude's Hospital, music from simpler times. Our first song is by Herman's Hermits and this is Silhouettes!"

At that moment, Isabel came in.

"Peggy, follow me to the lounge."

I got up.

"Can Francine come too?"

"Aye, the lounge is for all of you."

We followed her to the lounge. In the corner was the radio station, there was two men, one was an older guy with short black curly hair, the other man was around my age with short brownish blonde hair. Some of the other patients were dancing, others were relaxing. An older woman wearing light pink was cleaning outside the radio station window.

"Rosalie, you don't have to clean," Isabel said.

Rosalie spoke in a thick Irish accent.

"I'm sorry Isabel, you know I can't help it."

"That is why you're here, it takes nothing but patience to treat patients. I would like you to meet the newest patient, Peggy McGregor."

I held out my hand for Rosalie to shake, her hands had rubber gloves on, she shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you Rosalie."

Her hesitant expression turned to smile.

"Nice to meet you too dear, welcome."

Isabel placed her hand on my shoulder.

"Is there anything you like to do, we have books to read, we even have arts and crafts?"

"I like to draw...sketch."

"We have paper and pencils, I will get you some, return them as soon as you're done."


Isabel left once again.

"Are you an artist?" Francine asked.

"I am. My first sale was the other day, 500 quid."

They gasped.

"You're that good?" Rosalie asked.

"I guess so."

I heard the song go off.

"That was Herman's Hermits for the first song today!"

Campbell whispered something in Eddie's ear.

"A little bird told me there is a new patient amongst us, wherever you are, welcome to St. Jude's, I hope you enjoy your stay and get the help you need," Eddie said.

My anxiety started kicking in.

"She's right over there!"

One of the patients pointed right at me, I felt my cheeks rise in temperature again.

"Your cheeks look red sweetheart," Francine said.

"How about a request from the new lassie!?" Campbell shouted.

I was overwhelmed, I can't stand being in the spotlight like that, I did what I always did, I took off running.


Francine ran after me back to my room, we were roommates after all.

"Peggy, are you alright!?"

"Let me just calm down, I don't like being put in the spotlight like that, I have terrible anxiety."

I laid on my bed and tried to relax.

Proud To Be A Loony (A Takin' Over the Asylum Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now