Jordan sits there next to Sam contemplating how the last five and a half months turned out. Sitting in that cell reminded her, seeing Jaxx die in front of her. She replayed the dreams, visions, she had of Jaxx telling her exactly how to find him. It's a tricky situation because no one knew how this would turn out.
It was quiet for a while; nobody wanting to say a thing. A knock was heard on the door and Sam got up to get it. Seeing now that it is Silver, Sam opened the door wider gesturing for her to enter.

"I'm sorry if I got a little heated out there, but sometimes your mother is so dense when things are happening."

"It's alright momma." Jordan replied.

"Any idea on how we're getting Jaxx?" She asked.

"We'll now that you've asked, and I got you guys out of lock up, I'd like to know too." Ju responded.

"Ok so here's the thing... we have to put his soul back in his body." Jordan replied.

"And how do we intend on doing that? And where's his soul?"

"If you let me finish Ju... as I was saying we have to put his soul back into his body, but we have to retrieve it first. And before you ask again it's somewhere in the castle with the coven of vampires. Then once we get his soul we'll have to do a spell, we bring it to his body and do a releasing spell for him to return back to his body."

Silence erupted the room. Shocked faces were painted on each face Jordan looked at. They probably think she's crazy again, but they've been going along with it for a while.

"You're being serious?" Jules asked.

"Of course I am. Now there's danger in doing all of this so we're going to have to plan this perfectly. We can all get together tomorrow and start. It's been a long night and Sam and I have some catching up to do."

"We'll just leave you then your highness." Ju said with a smirk plastered to his face.

"Oh, and I'll make a list Im gonna need some things." I responded as he was walking out the door.

"Whatever you say princess." Ju mumbled under his breath.

As the door closed Jordan walked behind Sam and pulled her into herself by the waist. They were silent for awhile, enjoying each other and the quiet like they have been doing for the past five months.

"I've missed your arms." Sam said silently.

"I've missed being able to touch you. I'm sorry it had to go down like this."

"You told me this would happen beforehand, remember? Plus I'm the one that marked you."

"How could I forget. Let's shower and get to bed we have a long day ahead of us."

"Ok Princess."


The next couple of days we're long not just for Jordan or Sam, but for Ju as well. He went around searching for the things on Jordan's list, which consisted of:

A vail
1 rat tail
3 oz of toad mucus
2 raven feathers
1 bunch of mulberries
A dragon claw
And 3 panther hairs

The days seemed to drag on as he tried to find all the items. He was getting restless and had no idea where to find a dragon claw as that was the last item on the list that he still needed to require.

Ju took a moment to sit in Jaxx's room for the first time since his brother was taken from him. He sat on his bed silently, with his eyes closed.

Finally, I've been waiting for you to seek my help.

Jaxx, is that you?

Yes, it's me. Now the dragon claw that you've been struggling to find.

Yeah, where is it?

So mom has this whole underground unit under the house with a bunch of stuff for potions and last I recall there is a few down there.

And how would I get there? She's been keeping it a secret this whole time?

Just listen, alright... you're gonna go downstairs to the garage. In the garage there a shelf with grandpas tools.

Yeah I know the one.

Ok good... you're gonna turn the wrench clockwise on the wall to where if it was on a clock it would read 8, then to the right you'll have to move the flathead screwdriver from the drawer into the slot that will pop open. Then you'll turn the screw driver counter clockwise until you hear a pop. You will then want to stand back as the door opens. Follow the path and there will be a door and that's where you'll find the dragon claw.

Thanks Jaxx. We're gonna save you, you know.

Yeah, I know it was my plan. Now please hurry up I'd like to be back in my body soon.

With that Ju opened his eyes gasping for air. He screamed through the house.


Jordan opened her door. "What do you mean you talked to him?"

"Jaxx, I was in his room trying to think. And then he just started talking to me and he told me where the last item on your list is."

"Well where is it?"

"Come on." He said grabbing her arm and pulling her down the stairs, and into the garage.

"Ju, I don't understand?"

"Shhhh, stand back will ya." He said turning the wrench to the 8 position, he grabbed the flathead and slid it in the hole and turned that until he heard a clunk. He stood back as the door slid to the side and a staircase was all to be seen. "Come on, yeah I know, mom had this all hidden from us."

Jordan was to stunned to respond but she followed him silently down the stairs through the hall until they came upon a door. Ju tried to turn the knob but the door was locked.

"I don't supposed Jaxx told you where the key was?"

"No he didn't. Wait hold on, I've got an idea." Ju used his arm to hold Jordan back. He stretched out his right arm towards the door and spoke "haas poike hordu mo."

The door blasted open. "Good one Ju, but maybe just learn a unlocking spell instead of a blasting spell."

"I'm still learning, now let's find where that dragon claw is."

They searched for a while trying to find the dragon claw and still it seemed impossible for them to find. That is until Jordan screamed.



Jules, Ju, Sam, and Jordan gathered up together.

"Alright now that we've got the stuff for the potion we need to put Jaxx's soul back in his body we need to come up with a plan on how to infiltrate the coven castle." Jordan said.

"What kind of plan?" Jules asked.

"A good one. They will not be expecting us to be coming nor will they let us search willingly and freely." Ju responded.

"So let's get started while J is working out the potion. We can think of some kind of strategy."

A Love of Family: the endingWhere stories live. Discover now