Chapter 1-New girl

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February 1st

Dear diary,

I can't believe I just wrote a dear diary, that sounded so cliché. My name is Lizzie Dean. I was an average school girl until my mom made a bet with me. If I can write in this diary for a month I get 300 bucks and you know your girl couldn't pass some good money. Well, actually you don't know, as this is my first time writing in this diary. Why does she have to be so old fashioned, like who in the world writes in books these days? Like the only time I ever hear the word book is when I and my friends are talking about how good the movie the notebook is. Besides we have something called phones so I don't know why people write in these flimsy old books. This is going to be one long month.

Recently, we just moved to the world-famous Dubai, it has skyscrapers, seven-star hotels and a whole lot of theme parks, so basically, paradise. We live right beside the gorgeous blue waters in a seven-room villa. But there is a huge problem. My siblings.

I have three of them, so at this point living a sane life is just a distant dream. The youngest and also the most sinister is Nancy. She has our parents wrapped around her perfectly manicured fingernails. She is the most dangerous out of all of them, so you wouldn't want to get on her bad side.

The other siblings are the evil twins, Ellie and Elliot. Ellie the girl is a total tomboy even though she is surrounded by two other sisters. Elliot is really calm and gentle. Said no one ever. Elliot and Ellie are pranksters. The teachers in the school are fed up with them, my parents are fed up with them and I am fed up with them.

But let's stop talking about them let's talk about me. My favorite  is green the colour of my eyes. My dream job is to be a social media influencer. My most embarrassing moment was when I fell flat on my face in front of the boy I had a crush on. I am born on December 30th so my zodiac sign is Capricorn. I am 16 years old.

Now we are done with all the boring stuff, I can assure you that the rest of the month is going to be pretty interesting.

February 2nd

Dear Diary,

I was so tired this morning and very cranky. Everyone knew not to bother me. I was cracking my knuckles and giving the twins a threatening glare. I hope they were reading, come near me, and I will break you in half.

Today is going to be my first day of school and I am already off to a bad start. I put on my plain white shirt and navy blue skirt. I tie my hair in a neat ponytail and top it off with a plain navy blue scrunchie. I quickly run to the kitchen and grab my iced Latte then run to the car. I jump into our plain white SUV with my mom and dad at the front. I could hear Ellie prodding the half-asleep, Eliott with her nails in the backseat. Beside me, one seat away is Nancy nodding along to some songs. We soon arrive at our new school.

I wander around the hallways not sure what to do. I then see everyone gathered up in a huge auditorium and sorted into their classes. I get a lot of weird looks. They were probably looking at my eyes. It was pretty rare for a girl of my colour to have green eyes. Suddenly I find my face planted on the hard concrete floor. I was tripped by a boy with curly brown hair with blonde highlights at the end. His skin was a dark olive colour. 

His shirt was un-tucked and rumpled. He had his hands in his pockets and he wore a pair of plain black converse sneakers. He seemed like a jerk. Just by a glance in his direction, I could tell I already hated him. He seems like he is about to say something but then someone calls out in his direction screaming, "Luke." 

His hand is grabbed by a girl who is drop-dead gorgeous. Her skirt is above her knee and a nose ring glints from her perfectly smooth nose. She glares at me with her dark grey eyes that seem to eat through my soul. But then having completed assessing me, she gives me a light smile and turns towards Luke." I missed you so much," she says glancing at me with the side of her eye with a smug look on her face, she leans in for a hug.

 I find myself gagging, ready to throw up the contents of this morning's breakfast on the floor. "You've met the school's hot couple," says a girl beside me. She has wavy black hair and curious brown eyes. She has a genuine smile planted on her face.

" My name is Ava, let's be friends," she says out of nowhere. I was just stood there surprised for a whole minute. But of course, I say yes. Who wouldn't?

I am sat next to her during homeroom we are sat there chatting about our hobbies when we notice a strict looking teacher towering above us.

"Excuse me, girls, would you like to introduce yourselves first," She says in a threatening voice.

I get up straightening my skirt a little then begin by saying," My name is Lizzie," in a shy voice.

"I like drawing and dancing,'' I say ,inwardly cringing from how squeaky my voice sounded.

It's break time and Ava decides to introduce me to a group of girls applying bright pink lipstick, which was very blinding, upon their lips. In the middle of them was Luke's girlfriend who was sat ordering around a group of boys like slaves. 

One of them brings over a tray that seemed to hold the contents of a five-star restaurant meal, not the sloppy school cafeteria food. 

He then says, "here you go Cassie". 

I look at my soggy burger then her tray. She was probably some kind of principals daughter or her parents was sponsoring the school. Ava and Cassie give each other air kisses while I am there stood awkwardly beside Ava. 

Then one of the other girls named Emma says, "what are you doing over there, take a seat."

 I seat down about to devour my burger when Cassie says, "So you must be the new girl."

 I was so sure she was going to quote something from mean girls like, we wear pink on Wednesdays or that kind of thing but then she says your eyes are pretty are they contacts? I was about to change the subject when Luke comes in with a gang of boys walking in like they own the place.

Suddenly it feels like everything is going in slow motion and he is the center of attention. He rakes his fingers through his hair making all the girls within a ten-mile radius drool and I am pretty sure they weren't drooling over the food. Cassie quickly goes over to him trying to claim her man. 

She snakes her hand around his waist in front of everyone in the cafeteria. Mrs. Meredith our strict homeroom teacher comes in-between them, her face looking like she was about to explode. They come over to the table where we were sitting. "No, "I screamed but just in my head. After the scene that happened this morning, it was going to be nothing but embarrassing.

They come over to us, Cassie pushes Emma out of her seat so that Luke could seat beside her but this meant that Luke was sitting right opposite me.

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