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Makoto opened his apartment door and shut it behind him, throwing his keys onto the kitchen counter as he walked inside. He tiredly trudged into his small, dimly lit living-room, not shocked when he saw Haru sat on his couch, staring at the blank tv screen.

"Haru? You alright there?" Makoto asked, sleepily.

Haru jumped slightly and sat up, turning his head towards where Makoto stood beside him.

"Oh, um, yeah. I was just waiting for you to get back. How was school?" Haru asked, quietly, as Makoto sat down next to him, gently leaning his head on Haru's shoulder.

"Very tiring, other than that, not too bad. Kind of stressful, though. The usual, really."

"Ahh, I wish school didn't stress you out..." Haru mumbled, leaning his head on top of Makoto's. Even though Haru was pretty much emotionless usually, it was clear how much he cared for Makoto when the two were alone together.

"Thanks, Haru," Makoto sighed, "But that's how it is, really... Can't do too much about it. Thank you for caring, though. I appreciate it."

Haru gave Makoto a small smile as he wrapped his arms around him, forcing Makoto to nuzzle his head against Haru's neck rather than his shoulder.

"Well, I'm here for you. Always. And you don't shut up about how much you love my hugs, so... Here you go." Haru whispered next to Makoto's ear.
He hugged Makoto tighter, and placed a quick kiss onto his forehead, causing Makoto to blush lightly.
Makoto pulled himself out of the warm hug before softly kissing Haru on the lips.

Haru pretty much melted into the kiss, missing how Makoto's lips felt against his. It had only been a day, but (even though he didn't like to admit it) even that short amount of time away from Makoto was too much.

Makoto slowly pulled away, letting the kiss linger. He loved kissing Haru, as it always managed to make him feel calm and appreciated.

"Hey, Makoto..." Haru snapped his fingers in front of Makoto's face. Makoto hadn't realised that he had zoned out, his mind stuck on thoughts of Haru.

"Oh, sorry. Yes, Haru?"

"Do you want to go to bed? You look tired, plus you said you were stressed before... Sleep should help." Haru said, beginning to sound concerned.

"Well I'm not stressed anymore because you managed to make me feel more calm, like you always do. Although I am tired. You're coming to bed too, right?"

Haru smiled, knowingly, "Of course, I know you don't like sleeping alone..."

That caused Makoto to giggle quietly and blush again, as he replied, "Yep, you know me well. Okay, let's go to bed, angel."

Makoto stood up, grabbing Haru's hand to pull him up off of the couch. They walked hand-in-hand to their bedroom, and prepared to go to sleep.

It had been a tough day for Makoto, but, somehow, Haru always manages to make it 100 times better for him.

End :)

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