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"Am I too late for a miracle?"

Mirabel stared up the stairs, frowning. She could hear the party for Antonio up in his room. Despite how much she wanted to go in there and support her little cousin, she couldn't. She couldn't go in there without remembering when her own gift ceremony had gone horribly wrong. Too much weighed on her soul.

From its window, the candle flickered at her, almost in a taunting wave. Ignoring it, she started up the stairs to go to the room. The nursery. Not even her own room. And with it unlikely that anyone in the family would be having a kid anytime soon, she would be alone in that room for another long while.

As she passed Antonio's door, Mirabel hesitated. Maybe she could force herself in there and try on a smile. But then she would have to face Abuela, who she wasn't particularly in the mood to fake happiness for. Especially now.

Abuela had never looked at her the same way since that day. The day Mirabel's door didn't glow. Tio Bruno had left just a week after. Abuela had avoided Mirabel for a whole year. "What did I do wrong?" she muttered, stepping past the door. She would've been fine without a gift as long as Abuela had still treated her as part of the family, but now it seemed like an impossible fantasy.

The floor tiles clinked in a song, drawing her attention. She listed her head at them. "What is it, Casita?" She followed the path of drumming tiles, curious. As she stepped, she realized where they were going. Abuela's room. Her feet came to a stop at the door, her face turned in a frown. "What-"

Before she could question it, the floor tilted her up and the door swung open. She was shoved inside with a yelp. She doubled over, trying to regain balance. The room was dimly lit by the lone candle, resting peacefully on its mantle before the window.

Mirabel glared at the house, holding her hands as if to strangle it if she could. "Casita! What are we doing in here? You're going to get me in trouble!" Her whisper was loud enough to show her frustration. Taking a step back towards the door, she found the tile underneath her spun her right back around. With a groan, she stomped her foot.

The candle bounced back and forth, caused by the movement of the floor. With the roll of her eyes, Mirabel stepped up to meet the candle. She stared at its mesmerizing glow, mouth slightly open. Abuela had never allowed her to be this close to the candle, save the day she would have gotten her gift. She reached out her hand, stopping herself just before touching it.

Her gaze turned up. "Why are you showing me this?"

Casita rocked the window doors back and forth, allowing a breeze through. The candle dimmed at the air. Mirabel, on reflex, grabbed the candle from harms way. "Woah, hey! You're going to blow it out!"

Ding, ding, ding! Her head turned to a string of bells along the wall, dancing with the house's command. Squinting, Mirabel frowned at the candle.

"You... want me to blow it out?"

With a desk drawer, the Casita nodded.

She looked over the candle in her hands, debating. She would never have ever considered the idea. Her whole family had been built upon this little flame. To blow it out would be to destroy everything. And for sure she would be grounded. All the gifts would be gone.

She replayed the thought. All the gifts would be gone. By dragging them down, Mirabel would be their equal, finally. No one could lord over her their special abilities again. No more super strength. No more shape shifting. No more stupid purple flowers (What, did Isabella think purple was the only color that existed? Try blue or orange some time!). If that happened, Mirabel could be part of the family. Everything would be great.

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