something different.

91 4 3

I go to my locker where usually I would find Butters screaming out of happiness about something, but there was no one there.
Of course this confuses me, I highly doubt that he skipped school, since he would get grounded to dead plus his parents never let him stay at home when he is sick, NEVER.

I look around to see if I can find him, there is no clue of where he is.

I put my books on the locker and close it, I'll see him on class, I guess..
I continue to walk down the hallway while I check that my black nails are intact, u need to look good even when u are goth you know?

I open the exit door and find my group, the goth kids.

"Hi Raven" Pete greets me as I take a cigarette and start smoking

To be honest I hate this cigarettes, the smoke makes me sick, but you know, what can I do about that? Everything makes me sick except one thing.

Is not like I'm going to tell you anyways.

8:07 A.M.

Ring! Ring!

Says the bell as I walk down the hallway to class, pressed by a bunch of other kids.

I finally manage to get to class, I take a seat and start watching the class do what they do.

Tweek and Craig are sending notes to each other, Clyde is doing his homework which we are supposed to give today at the start of class, Kyle is fixing his side hair and Bebe is applying perfume while she talks to Wendy.

Although this class is "very interesting" I would prefer to see Butters, where the hell is he?

Like the gods had hear me, Butters opens the door running and sitting beside me

(Mr Garrinson did a new sitting chart)

But he is different, he now has fake fangs, a skull shirt and bla- oh no.

"Hello Per se" He says with what I would call a Vampireish accent as he shakes his hand at me, I open my mouth on confusion, how did this even happen? Why is he a vampire?

"Butters, why are you a ... vampire?" I ask.

"Oh well you see-" Butters was about to answer me, but Mr Garrinson decided to start his little gay geography class.

"Ok kids, today we will learn about mounta-" Mr Garrinson continued to talk, but I had important things to do.

I touched Butter's shoulder, ripped off a paper from my book, wrote on it and gave it to Butters. He smiled to me and read the note slowly

He looked back at me on a sign that he already read it, I passed him my pen so he could write.

He grabbed my pen, and started writing on the other side of the paper. As I waited for him to finish writing, I started looking around the classroom

Eric was loudly eating, Nichole was writing down things, Kenny was drawing on his own hand and Thomas, that new kid with tourette's was trying to shutter down his tics obviously failing on it

In some part I feel bad for him. Anyways, as I unconsciously stare at him, Butters taps my shoulder and hands me a paper folded like card, I turn back to him, and put the card in my pocket, the class was about to end anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2022 ⏰

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"You've got a lot of growing up to do, buddy" - Vamprave AU Where stories live. Discover now