Snow Stress

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Kaede took a deep breath as she looked at her four-page to-do list. Pacing back and forth she checked juuuust to make sure she had everything. "You sure I got everything Kokichi? I just want to make sure it's perfect!" She flipped through a few more times. "Oh maybe I should make sure the decorations all go together? I don't want it to clash and the whole party gets ruined! Orrr maybe I should check the food again? God I haven't even thought of what I'm going to wear!!" Kaede groaned before moving back over to the kitchen. Then back over to the dining room... and then back to the living room with Kokichi. "Can you just read it over one more time?" She pleaded, handing him back the list.

"Uh fine! If you insist, even though this is the seventh time!" Kokichi complained before reaching over to the coffee table from where he laid to read it over once again for his girlfriend. "Decorations on everything ever, food that's too small to be filling, blah blah blah, invites sent out. There ya go." He tossed it back to the table and covered his eyes with his arm again sighing. "It'll be fiiine. Stop stressing over every detail, I doubt any of your wonderful guests would care."

Kaede huffe "Kokichi this is totally something to stress over! Rantaro throws these parties every year and everyone loves them! But I'm hosting it this year and if it's not just as good as Rantaro's I'll never be able to live that down!" Kaede paced back over to the kitchen tapping her chin. She paused for a brief moment before turning to Kokichi. "Is the food really not filling enough? Should I change the menu?"

Kokichi groaned. "Oh my- Kaede. The menu is fine, I'm sure everyone will love the seven thousand course meal you have prepared. Don't you know by now that I complain just to simply complain?" He sat up on the couch and looked over the back of it to Kaede. "Here I got it, if this party is a total bust then I'll just force Rantaro to throw a party for New Years and ruin that with a prank so he's more embarrassed. Problem solved!"

Kaede couldn't help but smile at Kokichi's idea "I appreciate the offer but I think it's better if I just do the party right the first time. But since you think the list is fine then I guess I can start on actually going through the list." Kaede sighed before quickly walking over and snatching the papers off the table. "Alright first on the list is..." she shuffled through the papers some "man I should have numbered these.." she muttered to herself.

After a bit more searching she finally found what she thinks is the start of the list. "Decorating the inside of the house! So to start we should do... the entrance! Yeah that makes sense?" Kaede walked over to the entrance of the house and dug through their decorations box.

She started hanging a few things up, getting into the zone, but then it started to look a bit cluttered. So, reasonably, she took some of the decorations off. But now it looked too bare! Kaede groaned as she put some back but took some off, but what if the other combination looked better? So she switched which ones she put out, but now she didn't know which one she liked better!!

"Are you going to do that all day? I'm not complaining, I have a pretty nice view if you wanna keep standing there. Nishishi~'' Kokichi cackled, falling back onto the couch and eventually rolling his way to the floor.

Kaede flushed slightly at Kokichi's comment "You can admire me from afar another time Kokichi!" She scolded but a smile crept onto her face and she let out a soft chuckle.

"Awww, can I not do that right now? But I'll be seriously missing out!!" He whined while sitting back up to look at Kaede. "But seriously the first combo you put up looked fine. Just put the silver garland over the door frame and the little bit of snow on the windowsill with that one little town thing."

"Oh yeah.. yeah that will work!" Kaede exclaimed before quickly setting up the first option, plus Kokichi's add ons. Taking a few steps back she looked at it left and right "Hey does that all look even to you?" She leaned her head in Kokichi's direction but didn't quite look at him.

Snow Stress (Oumatsu Oneshot) [Late Christmas Gift]Where stories live. Discover now