champagne and sparklers

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she always dreamed of having a wedding in white and gold

to make her grand entrance in a shower of sparklers

so the woman planned accordingly

and scheduled the wedding

for new years' eve

her fiancé was 

a simple man with a

fascination with the ordinary

drank his coffee black and studied the market

couldn't wait to buy a house on the same street his friends lived

the suburbs never quite summoned her like the glittering city did

but for devotion she put her urban fantasies aside

chose a quiet life as a preschool teacher

so she could be a worker

and a mother

he worked 

out in the oil fields 

off the coast of the silent little town

where they would carve their names into the cement

around the house that he dreamed would be their forever home

at the wedding she stood with a glass of champagne in hand

swirling it around, watching the bubbles float

she twirled her ring around her finger

wondering if anyone noticed

she was alone

the party

was far more elaborate

than what she anticipated from 

her and her husbands' farm-raised families

but when you have a donor willing to pay, things get done

her husband had a brother married to a famous celebrity

and suddenly her special day revolved

around someone unrelated

to the ceremony

at hand

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