A Ship In the Sky

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ChaosDancer12 has joined us for this story in the 'We all have Stories' verse, this story take place looong looong before any of the others and finally gives you readers the information I've been teasing at in the stories

"Captain's log, Day.. way to many. We are in a star Cluster, on a mana tapped planet. As always, I updated the main maps and I forwarded it back to Hollow Explorers Inc. It's amazing just how many Mana tapped planets are out here, planets that we really can't survive on. I mean, sure, we can live on them, but then the Gel Heals and the Micro Scrubs fail' and our heath becomes so fragile. I'm also pretty sure that no one wants to have another war with a Mana child, two wars on two different clusters was more than enough for me." The captain said, recording the message into the logs.

"Are you still up Gabriel?" A voice chirped, and Gabriel, the Day Captain, looked up to see the Night shift Captain leaning into the office.

"Heya Raziel." Gabriel said with a wry grin, before a yawn escaped from her mouth.

"Go to bed, we need a lot of rest to deal with the idiots." Raziel said, scratching the stubble on his chin.

"What if I want to cause chaos instead?" Gabriel snickered.

"Go cause chaos elsewhere Captain Gabriel D Chaos/" Raziel said, dryly.

"Meh... yeah, I probably should get some sleep." She mused, laughing as she signed off on the computer and she headed back to her quarters.


"It's Michelle not Michael." The pilot said, halfheartedly, a child that despaired that their parent had given them a male oriented name, when they, themselves, were a female. "Or just call me Sinead."

"Welcome to the Day shift, I'm surprised that you joined us as I know that you were with the Night Shift." Chaos said, welcoming their newest second Pilot on. Their other Pilot was half asleep, muttering about... muppets?

"One of the Doctors suggested it, I suffer from depression, sometimes." Sinead admitted, making a face.

"Changes do help with that, you can call me Gabriel, or Chaos." The captain said, adjusting her console to her height, Raziel had once again forgotten that she was shorter than him.

"Sorry, running late!" A women cried as she ran into the bridge, towards her station, quickly typing in her code into her terminal.

"Insomnia again. Cassiel?" Chaos asked concerned, and Cassiel Mistral, aka Misty to her friends, sighed.

"As always..." The communications officer grumped.

Gabriel huffed as she blew a piece of her bone white hair out of her face... Out of all of them here... She just had to have the screwed up ancestry... Gabriel was a descendant from the time when their race was more comfortable with using Mana, but their overuse of it had corrupted many, and it resulted in the King of the time going to extreme lengths to fight back against it... He had used the power of something that they had called Void, and it resulted in many children... But the man did not need so many, he only needed one, to be a pure vessel that would be used to seal the energy, and the Mana, away...

So when one of them finally emerged from a pit, he sealed it up, damning the rest of the children to a life underground... But some of them survived And they found a way out.... The King trained his sacrifice, and when the time came, sealed it away.... But over time, the seal got weaker and weaker, and the King abandoned his people, saving himself in the end, as more slowly started to fall to the corruption... And the ones that escaped from that Pit?

One by one, they died, until the First Vessel, unable to keep the Mana at bay, called for help. And so, that one, the vassal of the Ghost, the only one that still lived, returned, and it took it's place, permanently taking away their ability to use Mana... But the First Vessel lived, and with help from the King's own child, rebuilt a kingdom... But when the First Vessel passed on, it left a child behind... A child with no colour... And from that day on, all children of his line, and his sister's, where born with no color, in hair, eyes or skin... And Gabriel was the last of their lines... The King of that time had escaped his punishment for what he had done, and so, they paid in his place, for his crimes...

"Hey Boss, is the main screen still on the fritz?" A female voice called from the system, from engineering.

"Yeah... It looks like it... It must be all the Mana tapped planets in the cluster." Gabriel said, frowning... Many had forgotten those times, and no one talked about them... They were lost to history, and hardly any evidence could be found of them... They were known as the 'Tyrant Reign of the Lost' now...

"I swear that the Mana clusters are breaking my stuff every five freaking seconds, but that is a nice planet count around their sun though..." Ophaniel M Align said, peering over the scans over this part of the cluster, and then, there was the sound of tools being pulled out. "I'll be up in a bit, I will have to try replacing the main crystal this time."

"Okay." Gabriel whispered, as she played with her bone white hair... She felt guilty about actually being a little bit stronger when she was around Mana tapped planets when it seemed to be hurting the ship, the crew, and her friends...

"Okay, who swiped my cake?!" A voice cried, and a brown haired women stalked onto the bridge, with a scowl on her usual smiling face.

Gabriel quietly giggled, she didn't swipe the cake, but it was always fun to see the brown haired woman acting like this.

Misty looked at her screen intently, it wasn't her fault, it was that time... and to boot, it was chocolate extreme.

Gabriel quietly smiled as she got back to her work.

"Aziraphale, you work the day shift?" Sinead asked her, surprised.

"Hey, I told you, call me Fire." the Doctor muttered, but everyone was pretty sure that she only became a doctor due to her unnatural luck of always getting colds, even with Micro Scrubs that should have stopped them.

Gabriel just shook her head... Fire did have the longest service record on this ship.

Aziraphale or rather Fire as they had come to know her as, had come from a planet at the far edges of known space. Not much was known about it, but the neighboring planets did claim that they were rather prickly people when it came to outsiders, and they were rather obsessed when it came to books. This was her Tenth run on the ARK Colony ship, and no one knew her true age due to Cryo sleep, and the fact that she looked younger than she looked.

All of them looked younger than they were, and true ages were a secret that everyone held close to their hearts... "Are you okay Fire?"

"It's those convicts, I had to spend the whole night patching them up from another fight. I was so looking forward to that cake, and my nurses already conked out since they exhausted themselves, and to make things worse, the Night Duty Doctor had to be put into Cryo sleep yesterday due to his bad reaction to the Mana cluster!" She scowled, in the way that only the overworked could.

Gabriel winced when Fire mentioned the Mana cluster.

"Well, we should be out of the area in two days." Sinead said, looking at her console.

"The sooner that you guys get out of this area, the better that you'll be..." Gabriel whispered.

"So, nobody gets hurt, and I'm going to take a nap on a cot. And Void take it, if some nimrod stumbles into my Med Bay for something stupid..." Aziraphale grumbled, leaving to head back to the Medical Bay, and hopefully, a nap, and a good book on her reader.

"Void take it?" Gabriel frowned, being loud enough for Fire to hear her. "I didn't know that others still used that, apart from my family..."

"Void... I have ever heard that saying before. I have heard 'Space damn it' being used as a swear too many times..." Misty told her, looking up from where she was checking for messages from their main base.

"I think that Space eventually replaced Void." Gabriel shrugged her shoulders. "But you'll find a few places that still use it."

"Huh... oh! One of viewers managed to capture some images of the Mana natives," Sinead said, in interest, idly slapping her screen, and thankfully, at that moment in time, Ophaniel arrived, quickly putting their screens to right.

Gabriel just smiled. "I'm going to go and quickly check on Fire, with the Night Duty Doctor down, her and the Night Nurses are the only medical trained crew on this ship."

"Sure, I'll send the recording to you so that you can view it later." Sinead said, with a grin on her face.

"Thanks Sinead." Gabriel said, before she left the bridge, and she started to walk towards Fire's medical bay.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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