Chapter 1

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Dani's POV:
There is not a day when I do not take the time to write down thoughts in my special notebook about things that I need to work on in my life and it is hard to talk to someone when they have not experienced it themselves. Everything in my life needed to be kept a secret because clearly I am not that strong enough to handle the pain and rejection much longer. Memories are slowly starting to appear as each one gets worse and it hurts deeply to think about them constantly.

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I tried to think of more things to write since I needed to get everything out as the urge was starting to get worse to bring out

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I tried to think of more things to write since I needed to get everything out as the urge was starting to get worse to bring out. I closed the notebook when I heard some voices downstairs which must be Mrs. Maggie and Mr. Bentley, the cook. I figured that they must be discussing the dinner plans for tonight or something quite special happening very soon. I put the journal in my secret spot to keep it out of sight when I could hear Mrs. Maggie walking down to my room and gently knocked on the door. I got up slowly to answer it since she usually doesn't come unless we have a visitor or special announcement being made for us. "Hello Mrs. Maggie, what can I do for you", I asked? I leaned against my door frame waiting for a response from her because she seemed very happy for me and glanced down at my eyes. "Well I have some important news for you Danielle. You have been chosen secretly be interviewed by someone special and they simply wanted you only. They are coming around 7pm which is in 20 minutes", she responses. "Alright I will be there. Dang I never thought this would happen", I said. She laughed a bit before leaving to head back downstairs to handle the important part of the interview as I tried to make myself presentable to this special visitor. I went into my closet to pick out a different outfit since I didn't want to stuck in a t-shirt and jeans at the moment. I instantly threw on my cream dress that was very casual and some gold sandals. After that I did a little makeup before glancing at the clock to see that it is now 6:57pm. Heading downstairs to the interview room made me very nervous because I have no idea who this person is at all and why would they ask for me specifically since I am like every single girl in the world. I entered the room to sit down in one of the chairs while waiting patiently for this visitor when I heard the sound of heels or boots coming towards me. "Well here she is waiting for you. Please take all of the time you need and I will make sure that everyone respects your privacy", says foster mom. "Thank you again for this opportunity", says a familiar voice. A lady stepped into the room to see me sitting there and smiled at me to give a warm gesture. "You are very beautiful", I mentioned. "Well thank you girl and you are sweet as ever. Now I doubt you know who I am", she responded. I agree with her because she seems quite secretive when she came in here and had to wear sunglasses and a hat to hide her identity. "I am guessing no by the look on your face and that is perfectly alright. I'm Ava Max, one of the newly pop star artists and I am instantly drawn to you Danielle. I don't want to spend all day asking you questions which we can figure out later and I only need one answer. Do you want me to adopt you", says Ava. I had no idea that Ava was a pop star artist considering that I never heard her music before and she seemed so sweet as she waited for an answer. I didn't know what to say at all and I took a ton of time thinking. "Well once you have decided on your answer, I will be waiting for you outside in my car. I will know if you do not want to be adopted by me when don't come out and I will leave. I am in a time crunch because I have to be leaving for tour very soon. I am going to give you some time", she says. She got up from the table to leave the room only to head outside to get into her car and wait for my decision to be made which is going to be quite tricky. I went upstairs to think more clearly in my room when I bumped into Angelique and she looked at me with this odd expression. "What's up with you", she asked? "Girl, I need to talk to you alone and this needs to be kept between us", I mentioned. All she did was nod her head as she followed me to my bedroom so we can sit down on my bed and discuss what just happened downstairs. "You will not believe who was just downstairs", I quickly ranted. "Who", asked Angelique? She seemed confused about my question and needed more details. "I just got to meet Ava Max, the new pop star that everyone seems to love. She wants to adopt me but I didn't give her an answer yet since she is waiting on me. I don't know what to do. Should I go with her or not", I mentioned. "Listen you need to go with her. It is your only chance to have a new life while starting over with everything and I am sure that she will be lucky to have you. Don't give this dream up", mentions Angelique. I decided to go with Ava so we ended up packing up my things into two medium duffel bags before I hugged Angelique goodbye and headed downstairs. I signed the papers in the front office while not changing my name yet but soon headed towards the front door and soon stopped. I am too nervous to do this but I opened the door for the last time.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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