The Beginning

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The scene opens on the night sky. The camera pans down to a house, all lights are off except for the basement lights. The camera zooms in on a group of teens playing videogames.

Andrew: Ha-ha Yes, finally!!!

Lucas: Dude. Next time we face a boss. Don't run in without a plan.

Owen: yeah. Just because you've played this game before doesn't mean you run ahead and kill everything.

Andrew: Sorry, I just get really into the game and go on a killing spree.

Niko: Why did you invite me if you were just going to play a first person shooter. You know I don't play games like this.

Andrew: Yeah, sorry it's just been so long since we've been together thanks to Covid.

Niko: That's fair, but can we play something less violent please so I can join in?

Andrew: sure, let's just save and-




The camera pans to a sliding glass door with window shades covering it. The camera pans back to the four friends looking at the door.

Lucas: What was that?

Andrew: Probably nothing, let's get back to the game.

Lucas: ok

Owen: ok

Niko: ok, but make it a non-violent game this-




???: hello, can you please help me?

The camera now looks at the teens and shows that they are now nervous.

Lucas: Who is outside? It's almost midnight?

Andrew: I don't know. If I did, I wouldn't be hiding behind the couch with you guys.

The camera pans up to show that all four teens are hiding behind the couch to avoid being seen by the person at the door.

Owen: What should we do?

Niko: we should tell your parents Andrew.

Andrew: I don't know, it could have been nothing. Just our minds playing tricks on us.

???: I can hear you, you know

Lucas: Still think it's our minds playing tricks?

Andrew: Shut up. I'm going to go see who it is stay here.

The camera follows Andrew as he slowly approaches the curtains. When he reaches them, he quickly pulls them to the side to reveal a woman in her early thirties. She was wearing a white cloak with red underneath, a high-neck decolletage blouse with studded wristbands on her arms, a black and white overbust corset, a skirt with white tulle underneath, grey leggings and knee-high boots with red soles. The woman had black hair that ended in red streaks that was tied back in a half-up/half-down style. The most bizarre thing about this woman was her eyes, they were a dazzling silver.

Andrew: Who are you and what are you doing here?

Upon closer inspection it can be seen that this woman had several wounds on her that varied from small, shallow cuts to gashes that look to be from a sword or a very large predator.

???: My name is Summer Rose I'm a huntress from Vale. I've been hurt badly on my most recent mission could you help me please.

Andrew: what's a huntress and I've never heard of a place called Vale before.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2022 ⏰

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