Old Routines, New Habits

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Wow bitches really be writing Gravity Falls fanfiction in 2022???

It's me. I'm bitches.

Lmao anyway, I know the GF fandom is very well gone but I'm doing this anyway cuz my love for this show will never die. Besides there's gotta be at least one person who'll read these. Anyway, idk if this is gonna be a long series or not but I had a few ideas for one shots and decided to combine them like always. Most of these will focus on Mabel bc I love her, but I will write about other characters too I promise😭 oh yeah and there will be angst, just a heads up.

Enough with all that tho. Let's get on with it!

The drive lasted almost the entire day, yet the hours passed so quickly that the twins swore it took no more than thirty minutes. Being the only ones on the bus, they had free range to do just about whatever they wanted. But they spent most of the drive sitting in their seat together, napping or having random discussions about the crazy summer they just had.

It was a bittersweet feeling leaving Gravity Falls. Saying goodbye to all their friends and their uncles wasn't easy, but at least they knew it wasn't goodbye forever. They'd all see each other again someday, and until then they had their own lives to fulfill. For Dipper and Mabel, they were now on a path of growing up (but not too fast). They were getting near their high school years, and after that..well, who knows?

By the time they arrived in Piedmont, they were both fast asleep, leaned up against each other, unaware that they were home. They had to be gently woken up by the bus driver, and when they realized they stopped, they gathered their luggage and hopped off the bus. To their delight, they spotted their parents waiting for them on the other side of the bus stop with wide grins and open arms. Neither of them hesitated to jump into their parents' embrace, immediately being showered with squeezes and kisses.

The affectionate reunion was followed by many questions, such as how their summer was, why Dipper had a different hat, how their uncle was doing, why Mabel brought the pig they specifically said she couldn't bring home with her, etc. Of course, they couldn't tell her she couldn't keep him now, since he was already here and it would be cruel to give him away. Honestly, they were so happy to have their kids back home that they barely put up an argument. Plus, they figured if Mabel was able to take care of the pig before, she could continue do it now.

They drove the kids home, making light conversation with them about what they did in Gravity Falls. The twins intentionally left out a few details (including how they battled a dream demon and almost caused the end of the world). But they did mention the more fun activities they did, like fishing with their Grunkle Stan and making lots of new friends. They thought it was best not to mention all of the danger they faced, probably not for 20 years when they wouldn't get in trouble for it.

When they arrived at the house, it was beginning to get dark, so their mother urged them to go ahead and unpack while she would make dinner. The twins rushed upstairs and split off into opposite directions toward their respective bedrooms. Everything was just how they left it the day before they went to Gravity Falls. Their beds were made, but otherwise their rooms were messy and disorganized—although lacking the certain items they brought with them on their trip.

They unpacked most of their stuff in a short amount of time. For Mabel it took just a little longer since she had an abundance of new sweaters she had to put in her closet. It was relieving though, since now she didn't have to worry about leaving extra space for her brother. She had the entire closet to herself once again, as well as her own bathroom (thankfully). By the time they had emptied their suitcases and bags, their father called them downstairs for dinner.

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