Truth or Dare with Levi and Eren (USK +14)

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Eren's POV~

I got waken up by some banging sounds. "Whats going on...?" I asked myself, while opening my eyes and looking around. "It comes from downstairs..." I got up, and walked out of my room, following the banding sound. "Looks like it comes from the Messhalls..." I continued walking towards the messhalls, and as I arrived...

...I peeked in, and saw Corporal (Levi) banging his head against the wall. "C-Corporal?" I asked. he didnt answered, so I started walking towards him. "Corporal?... Everythings okay?" I asked again, as I noticed a bottle of wine in his hand, and several others on a table. That was the moment when I noticed that the air was full of alcohol.

As I arrived at him, he stopped and looked at me. "What do you want?" He asked. I could clearly smell the alcohol in his breath. "Corporal.... Are you drunk?" I asked. "Since when do you-" His sentence got interrupted by a hiccup. "-Care?!" He finished his sentence. "Because youre banging your head against the wall..." I said. "Tch..." He let go of the wall and hold out the bottle to me. "Eren, Drink with me!" He said. "N-No... I cant do that, sir." I said. "Thats a ORDER!" He said again, while he hiccuped again.

I hesitated, but I nodded, and took the bottle and looked at it. He crossed his arms and stared at me. I started to sip on the bottle. Seriously, this is my first time drinking and, its AWFUL!

I continued till he nodded, and sat down, while filling some more wine in a Teacup, and drinking from it. "Lets play truth or dare." He said. I got the bottle away from my mouth and stared at him. "E-Execuse me...?" I said. "Lets. Play. Truth. Or. Dare!" He said again, while sipping from the wine.

I hesitated and sat down, while drank more of the wine. Thinking about it, it tastes good...

"Truth or dare, Eren?" He said, while sipping on the wine again.

"Truth..." I said, while looking at him.

"Would you strip for me?" He asked, as I took the bottle from my mouth and stared at him.

"W-WHAT?!!" I shouted. "Would you strip for me?" He asked again, as he sipped on the wine again.

"Depends on the situation..." I hesitatly answered. "Example?" He asked.

"L-Like... If you... were bleeding or something I'd probably... take my shirt off to stop the bleeding or something..." I answered, hoping he wouldnt ask again I drank from the bottle again.

He nodded and pointed at me. "Your turn." He said.

"T-Truth or dare...?" I asked.

"Dare..." He said while filling more wine in his cup.

I though about something, and then answered. "Throw two bottles of Windex (Windex is a Cleaning Product, for those who dont know) away." I smirked.

Okay, I hate to admit it, but I was slightly drunk. I put the bottle away, as Levi looked at me, and handed me another one while getting up. I watched him as he placed his cup down and walked towards a closet. "You'll get revenge for this, Jaeger..." He said, while getting two bottles of Windex out, closing the sloet again, and throwing them in the trashcan, while walking back. "Truth or dare?" He asked, while I opened the second bottle. "Dare.." I said, I got slightly scared, because of that what he said earlier, and drank from the bottle again. "Drink wine on Ex. (For those who dont know AGAIN, just drink in one sip.)" He said. I hesitated and stared at him, as I got the bottle and started to drink.

Levi stared at me, as I finished half of it. "Cant... Anymore..." I said, while saying under a few coughs "Truth... or dare?" I looked at him. "Dare, again." He said. Twice dare? Okay...

Okay, I got REALLY drunk at this point... DONT BLAME ME!

"Dance for me, Like I say." I smirked at him, while he drunk his wine.

He stared at me for a couple of seconds, and got up, while crossing his arms.

"Fine, how?" He looked at me. I though for a second, and smirked.

"Take your shirt off." I said, while leaning back and crossing my arms.

He hesitated, but did as I said and took first his cravat, and then his shirt off.

"What now?" He said, while holding his shirt in his hands.

I though again for a second and then answered "And now dance for me." I smirked again.

He sighed, and walked over to me, went behind me and whispered. "I'll get revenge one day..."

I got slightly scared, but didnt moved a single inch. (Or CM. Whatever you prefer)

He started to walk around me, and sat down on my lap and placed his hand on my right shoulder, wandering down to my chest, and finally to my... croach. "Hows this....?" He said, while grabbing a bit tigher on my crouch. I looked at him, while wrapping my arms around his waist, and looking him into the eyes.

He sat up and went behind me again, and start to play with my nipples.

I turned to him and smirked slightly, while he focused on my chest. He started to lick my neck and left a bitemark on my neck. "H-Hey...!" I said while looking on the spot he was sucking on.

(Authors note!)

Wow. This really took me (And my mate, we're two people ^^) Long.

Well... Its USK +14 (Atleast we think so) And OFCOURSE We'll continue this.

Well, See you all later!~

[All rights reserverd ThaliaStobb And in coorporation of Leviya]

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