Midnight Talks and Promises

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When Draco came back to Hogwarts, forced by the Ministry after his trial and his acquittal, this had not been how he expected to spend Winter Solstice. Taking a stroll by the lake with Hermione Granger, War Hero Hermione Granger, Order of Merlin Hermione Granger, Muggleborn Hermione Granger, Swot Hermione Granger, his friend Hermione Granger.

Their friendship, it had all started with his deepest apology and gratitude for her words at his trial, that saved him from Merlin knowing how much time in Azkaban.

And then she had finally realized that he was not second in all their classes just because he was a Malfoy. He was second because she was brilliant and always beat him, no matter how much Draco studied and took notes and more notes. He had not been able to beat her.

But the moment they had been partnered in Herbology by Sprout, they formed an unbeatable pair. Their essay and their 11:11 blooming Chocolate Cosmos beat even Neville's project.

From Enemies to Acquaintances to Partners to Friends...

And Draco wondered if they were not moving forward, towards something else. Something he feared. He squeezed her hand tighter as they strolled. The moon was high, and all around them, there was silence. The Snow repelling charm ensured they would not get wet and cold, and so they kept walking in silence, hand on hand, during the longest night of the year.

He had told her why he was staying behind at Hogwarts during Christmas. Lucius was still under arrest; Mother did not feel like celebrating Yule without his father, and Draco knew that if he went home, she would throw a party. So, he stayed behind, giving an excuse about NEWT's, and getting ahead on his work.

He just did not know why Hermione had stayed behind. Seeing her at dinner that day had been such a surprise. She should have left with the others after breakfast. He absolutely expected her to leave, to go meet Potter and Weasley and Weaslette and all the others. But she had stayed behind, she had stayed for Christmas.

He had been so dazed and happy to see her that his self-preservation was kicked to the curb and he asked her if she would like to take a stroll after the meal. And here they were.

"There's something on your mind," she whispered, her hand tightening around his arm.

"Actually, there are multiple things in my mind."

"Would you like to share one with me?" She asked, making them stop their little stroll. She had raised her brown eyes to him, and with the moon shining and the lake reflection and the snow falling, they seemed just like tourmaline.

"How can I say no when you look at me like that?" he whispered "Why did you stay, Hermione? I'm sure there will be a Happy Christmas at the Weasley Hovel."

"Burrow..." she corrected, laughing, but there was something missing from her laugh. He had gotten quite used to her laugh, her happy laugh. This was not it.

"Granger." He said moving closer, their noses almost touching as he looked down and she looked up.

"They're not happy you and I are getting along. So, no Christmas in the Burrow for me this year."

"I'm sorry."

"No, no, Draco. It's not your fault. it's not like they uninvited me... I just... I did not feel like going and listening to their complaints. I prefer to stay here..." she took a deep breath, and he was wishing she would say with you. "At Hogwarts," she added instead.

"What about your parents?" he asked, and quickly regretted, as her tears started to fall. "I'm sorry... I'm... What can I do?"

She just dove into his chest and cried more and more. Draco froze in panic for a moment, as her snow repelling charm weakened and there were snowflakes tangling with her crazy curls. He raised one hand to her hair and with the other holding his wand, he reapplied the charm.

Draco was not sure how long they stayed like that, she had stopped crying, but her arms still remained wrapped around his torso, and he had one hand on her hair and the other on the small of her back. He used a warming charm around them when his feet started to get too cold. He would wait for as long as she needed.

"I obliviated them." she murmured, so low he was not sure how he had been able to listen. He did not need further information about who they were. She had obliviated her parents to save them.

And so, he decided to share something with her that he had never told anyone else. "In the summer after our fourth year, my mother had planned for the Malfoys to disappear, she was desperate enough to even travel to the muggle world." He pulled her closer. "There's no shame in doing anything within our reach to save those we love," he explained.

"Do you think you would have done it? If you were in my place." She asked, looking up at him.

Draco placed his lips on her forehead, just resting there, hoping that gesture would bring comfort to her thoughts as well. "In a heartbeat, Granger. I did all I could to save my mother... And I would do it all over again. You did nothing wrong, you saved those you loved, Hermione."

She nodded, hiding her face on his chest again.

"Look at me, Hermione," he whispered, and when she did there was a blush on her cheeks that had not been there before, he did not know if it was from the cold or something else. He hoped it was something else.

"You will get them back; Memory Charms are tricky to revert but not impossible. I will ask for the books in the manor library to be delivered to us. Between our brains, your daring, and my ambition, we will find a plan. I promise." He would give her parents back. Even if it was the last thing he did.

His thoughts were interrupted when her lips touched his. The hand that had been stroking her hair, moved to cradle her cheek and he pulled her even closer. "I promise" he whispered before kissing her again.

Midnight Winter Solstice Promises Were Never Broken.

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