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Hello! This story is not like many others on my account, so if you came here wanting an xreader or other fanfiction, this is not it. It's a genuine story concocted from sleep deprivation and Discord silliness. 

It started when I mentioned that some stories are well written and have potential, but end leaving you empty and having more questions than answers. To which a lovely individual replied with, "yeah gotta agree I never found out why Johnny bought 44 water melons and who took 22 away from him I mean like why take 22 watermelons" Truly, a genius was in out midst. So this genius and I went down a long rabbit hole inventing a gripping mafia tale for you all to enjoy.

If you have any additional questions they should be answered in the description. If not, leave a comment and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Please check the copyright claims on this work.

That being said, have a wonderful day, and let's get into it.


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