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*beep beep beep*
My alarm sounded and I sat up with a jolt. Shoot, I was going to be late on my first day!

Shaking my head I rushed into my bathroom to get ready, ten minuets later my makeup was done and I was dressed in a pale blue, lacy blouse tucked into a pencil skirt and finally some black pumps. Looking into the mirror I sighed,
"Well this will have to do.."

Forgetting about breakfast, I grabbed my coffee and headed out the door.


I sucked in a deep breath.
"Come on Cam, you needed this change. You've earned it."

My hand shook as I pushed open the door to the BAU, looking around I saw a woman sitting behind a large desk. I walked over, smiling nervously.

"Hi, I'm the new agent, Agent Carter, I was wondering if you could show me the way to Agent Hotchner's office?"

She smiled warmly, "Oh yes he's expecting you, please follow me."

As I followed the woman I noticed that the entire building seemed to buzz with energy, people were walking hurriedly back and forth, voices frantically answered phones and all eyes were focused on their task. I gulped.
"They sure run a tight ship around here.."
Snapping out of my daydream I realised we had arrived at a door which read: 'Agent A.Hotchner'
The woman smiled at me again and then walked off, leaving me alone. I drew in another deep breath, and knocked.

"Come in." A friendly but sharp voice called. I opened the door and apprehensively walked in. Sitting behind a desk, his face expressionless, was none other than SSA Aaron Hotchner.

"Ah, Agent Camryn Carter, pleased to meet you" he offered a firm hand and I shook it without hesitation.
"Thank you Agent Hotchner, it's an honour to be here". I groaned internally at my choice of words, way to play it cool Cam..

"I'm glad to hear, and please, call me Hotch, everyone else does." He paused for a minute, reached into his desk and pulled out a file.
"Now I understand that you moved to the U.S. when you were 17 to study but then you were recruited back in England. Unfortunately despite your previous extensive training, you will not be permitted to carry a weapon until after you firearms test. I know that you are fully capable but rules are rules."

My breath hitched in my throat as Hotch spoke about my past. I knew there was a possibility of him already knowing I mean he is FBI after all..

His voice softened a bit, "Don't worry Camryn, I've been informed of your prior career back in England after you left university, it's an honour to have such a talented agent on our team."

I thought I could see a hint of a smile playing on his lips but I was unsure.. I've been told that Aaron Hotchner isn't one for smiling.

"Thank you Sir, I hope it's not too much to ask but I would prefer if the rest of the team didn't know about my um training."

"I understand, don't worry. Now, shall we go and introduce you to them?"
We walked out of the spacious office and into a fairly large room with a round table. Seated at the table were six Agents, three women and three men; when we entered everyone turned to stare...

"Agents this is the newest member of our team, Agent Camryn Carter, she transferred from England after being recruited here." Hotch beckoned me forwards.

"Er.. Hi everyone.. My name is Camryn but you can call me Cam." I smiled timidly at the end.

Hotch nodded approvingly and then carried on,
"Cam this is Agents Derek Morgan," he gestured to a tall, dark man with a huge smile.

"David Rossi," an Italian man with kind eyes shook my hand.

"Penelope Garcia," a rather colourful blonde woman rushed over to me and pulled me into a hug, I laughed and smiled encouragingly.

"Jennifer Jareau, but we all call her JJ," a pretty woman with long blonde hair smiled at me a shook my hand.
"Emily Prentiss," a dark haired women offered her hand with another smile.
"And last but not least Sp-"

I gasped as my eyes landed on a very tall man with a handsome face and gorgeous curly hair.

"Cammy!" I laughed as he said my nickname and for the second time I was pulled into a somewhat awkward hug but this time it was from my old best friend,
Dr Spencer Reid.
Hotch looked over at us,
"You two already know each other?" He looked confused.

Spencer let go of me, embarrassed, "Uh Cam and I both studied at the same University when she first moved to America." He smiled proudly and looked at me.
"Yeah, this lil' genius was my best friend and also 10 times smarter than me despite being 2 years younger..." I jokingly scowled and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Whoa whoa wait... Pretty Boy here actually had a friend?.." Derek laughed and winked at me.

"Oh yeah he was Mr Cool back in the day." I laughed knowing this was a lie, Spencer scowled and dug his elbow into my ribs playfully. The whole team laughed... Expect for Hotch who looked just slightly amused..

"Okay okay, everyone back to work, Carter since we haven't got any new cases I've sent some paper work to your desk."

I held back a groan, I had almost forgotten that this job wasn't just running around chasing the bad guys, something that was going to take a lot of getting used to..
Spencer ruffled my hair playfully and one by one the Agents filed out of the room.
I walked over to my new desk and groaned at the huge mound of paper work the was stacked on the surface.

"Don't worry, it gets easier every time." Spencer smiled at me.

"Well I better get started. I can't believe it's you Spence!"
I smiled back and refrained myself from grabbing him and forcing him to have a major girl chat about all the things that I had missed.

But sadly I had a job to do so grabbed a pen and plunged into the first folder.

A few hours later I was greeted by Derek who came and sat on the edge of my desk,
"Hey Cam, how's the mound of files going? Sorry that it's not very exciting for your first day."

"No it's fine! It's great to just actually be here."

He chuckled gently, "Would you like some coffee? I've been granted the honour of being the waiter today..." He laughed.

"Actually tea would be great, one sugar thanks."

He jumped off my desk, strode gracefully away but then, when he was half way across the bullpen, he stopped and called over to me in the worst English accent that I have possibly ever heard and said,

"Oh and would you like some crumpets with that your Majesty?" He mockingly bowed.

I turned to face him and rolled my eyes.
I laughed to myself at the terrible British joke, I will probably be getting a lot more of those..
I sighed contently, working here was definitely the right choice, I'm finally away from the stress and people of my past.
It will be great, I new start.


OR WILL IT?.....
~Molly ^_^
P.s. Omg I literally just realised how cringe the ending was.. But I am actually British so it's fine right?...

ShatteredTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon