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Hi guys I was reading a hinata harem story and I got an idea so I made this and yes I made this drawing

Sorry its not good I was in a rush and I did it with my right hand(I'm left handed) anyway let's start enjoy

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Sorry its not good I was in a rush and I did it with my right hand(I'm left handed) anyway let's start enjoy

Ran:hey boss we know your stressed and all


Ran:so i thought

Sanzu,rindou,kaku,hanma,kisaki:*we* thought

Izana:just get to the point😐

Ran:r-right how about we go to a club tonight

*izana pircked up showing that he was interested since it been awhile since Izana had fun*



*at the club*

Kakucho:why are we at a strip club?

Sanzu:why not

Hanma:and plus theres hot girls here

Kisaki:shut up hanma{disgusted}

Rindou:the shows about to start come on

Koko:hurry up

*they got seated*

??:and now lady and gentlemen the one and only golden wolf

*the curtains open and all they could see was a flawless back and beautiful dirty blonde hair

Mikey also known as golden wolf turned around and started to coress his own body in a seductive way and started to dance on the pole doing all sorts of moves(I'll leave it to your imagination) after all that mikey left*

??:alright fokes that's all from the golden wolf but don't be upset he will be doing private shows from 8-9pm and who knows the lucky winner might be one of you see you later

All:{shocked to the point they couldn't speak}

Kakucho:wasnt tha-


Hanma:who knew tomans leader worked here

Izana:cmon you guys were have to have a little "talk" with Mikey


*all left to see mikey*

Mikey:god that was tiring *knock*knock*knock*knock*

Mikey:alright I'm coming{opens the door}wha-

Izana:hi mikey{smirks}

Mikey:I-izana what are you doing here

Hanma:better question is what are you doing here


Ran:really cause that little show didn't seem like "nothing" to me

Mikey:...fine ill tell you but get in

*in Mikey's room*

Kisaki:so are you gonna tell us what your doing here or?

Mikey:i work here in my spare time as a hobby and for the money

*izana walks up to mikey grabs his wrists with one hand lifts Mikey's chin up to face him in the other hand*

Izana:oh really

Mikey:let go yo-

??:may mikey go to the private room as the raffle is about begin

Mikey:shit I'm late


Koko:what do you mean

*mikey runs into the closet and comes out wearing a bunny suit that makes his ass look bigger and his thighs more appetising*

Mikey:see ya boys{runs out}


Kisaki:ewww hanma your drooling...but i agree he did look cute


Koko:well we better go to see who's the lucky bitch who gets a private session with mikey


Ran:i hope its us

Izana:lets go

*announcement time*

??:and the lucky winners are....





HAHAHA🤣 cliffhanger guess you'll have to wait for the next chapter and sorry i haven't been uploading I've been busy with school and the stress of picking options not to mention im on my period so im in alot of pain but don't worry im working on the next chapter for kokoxmikey and I'll start working on the next chapter for this story love you guys❤

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