Daycare Substitute

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Monty sat on top of one of the play structures watching the kids run around. He sighs. The normal daycare attendant had been decommissioned for the day. Something about a kid barfing and it getting into their systems and affecting them. He shudders as he imagines that happening to him. It's been about thirty minutes since he started taking care of the little kids but he still has a few questions on his mind. Why him? They should have picked Freddy, he's a lot better with kids than Monty is. Monty was known for violent outbursts, was that really suitable for a kid area?

Monty's train of questioning thoughts was interrupted as he feels something on his tail. He quickly whips around to see a small kid with their hands placed on his tail.

"Hey! How the-" He stops remembering he's near kids. "Hey little guy, how'd you get up here?" He asked.

The kid points at the bars that made up the play structures. "I Climbed!"

Monty grimaces. These kids were smart. When Sun and Moon gets back he's gonna tell them about the falling hazard.

The kid climbed onto Monty's lap and now could be seen staring up at Monty, with sparkling yellow eyes. "You're Monty right? The gator who plays the cool guitar?"

Monty narrowed his eyes. "Uh- yeah. I am."

The kid gasps and brushes their dusty blonde hair from their eyes. "You're my favorite!!" They say excitedly. "Momma won't let me dye my hair to match yours though..."

Monty shifts a bit uncomfortably. He was a rockstar that stays on the stage and in the golf course, he wasn't used to kids this little being so close to him without parents dragging them away after a bit. He felt trapped. "Oh- uh... that's too bad..."

"Can I try on your glasses?" The kid asks. "I wanna see what the area looks like with them on."

Monty was uncomfortable with how touchy this kid was and all the questions were slowly getting on her nerves. However, the kid's puppy eyes convinced him to give the kid his glasses to try on.

"Wowie!" The kid said looking around after placing the star shaped glasses on their face. Their nose however was a bit too small for them and they kept slipping. "Your glasses are so cool, Monty!" They put their hands up to the frames in attempts to keep the glasses on their face.

Monty was simply watching the kid, observing how happy the kid was. "Hey, little guy-" He's cut off by the kid.

"My names Jasper! You call call me that!"

"Oh- uh, alright... Jasper... Let's get you off the top of this play structure before you fall." He said taking the glasses off of Jasper's face. Surprisingly, Jasper lets him without putting up a fight.

"But I won't fall, I have you to cling onto." Jasper says, looking up at Monty. "If I did fall I'm sure you'd catch me before I hit the ground too!" He smiles.

Monty grumbles. "Yeah, sure." It's true he would stop Jasper from hitting the ground but he knows what would happen if he lets Jasper fall. The Pizzaplex already has issues and if Jasper's parents got a call about their child getting a concussion, a broken arm or whatever they'd be sued for sure. Wouldn't be the first time though...

Monty shakes his head. "Lets just get you down." He picks up Jasper, who just stares at him happily. Monty ignores the look the kid is giving him as he holds them close and jumps off the play structure. He places Jasper on the ground and pats his back. "Run along, kid."

Jasper quickly shakes his head. "No! I wanna stay with you!" He wrapped a finger around one of Monty's claws. "We should draw together, Monty."

Monty hesitates before agreeing. He felt obligated to.

Jasper grins happily and shakes his hand that wasn't holding Monty's claw excitedly. They pull on Monty's hand, trying to drag him towards the art supplies, but due to them being so small and Monty being so large the alligator rockstar doesn't budge. Monty lets out a sigh before following Jasper.

Jasper let go of Monty's hand upon reaching the table that was covered with paper and all sorts of things to color and draw with. They plop down and look up at Monty, smiling.

Monty sits down next to Jasper who grabs paper and a green crayon. Monty takes a paper and a crayon of his own. He glances at Jasper's paper but the kid quickly covers up their drawing with their arm. "No peaking!"

Monty averted his gaze and ponders upon what he should draw. He starts to draw Sun.

The two draw in silence for a little until it's interrupted by Jasper. "Look monty!" He says holding up his paper. "I drew you and I holding hands!"

Monty looks at Jasper's drawing, a small smile coming across his face.

Jasper is quick to share Monty's smile. "Do you like it?!"

Monty chuckles and nods. "I do..."

Jasper gasps. "I'm glad! Here!" They hand the drawing to Monty. "Keep it!"

Monty takes the drawing, looking at it closer. He was about to say thank you to Jasper but is interrupted by a hand on his shoulder. Monty looks up to see the familiar face of the daycare attendant.

"Thank you for watching over the kids for me Monty!" Sun says. "You are a good friend, I won't forget this favor."

Monty stands up. "No problem, Sun."

Sun grins and puts his hands on his hips, the bells on his wrists jingling at the movement. "Did you have fun? Did ya, did ya?"

Monty glances between Jasper and then back to Sun. He smiles once more. "I did..."

Sun claps his hands together happily, bells ringing. "I'm so glad, Monty! If this happens again i'll be sure they have you take my place for the day again."

Jasper looks between the two tall robots. "You mean Monty has to leave?" He asks.

Both Monty and Sun nod. Monty speaks up however. "I do, but I'll be back to visit you, alright Lazar Beam?" He ruffles Jasper's hair.

Jasper nods and laughs. "You better!"

Monty nods, grinning. "I'll hang up the drawing you made me too."

Jasper reaches up for a hug which is accepted by Monty. As they hug he speaks to Monty. "See you soon..."

As the hug is done Monty steps back. He smiles one last time at Jasper before leaving the daycare, shutting the large wooden door behind him. He walks across the Pizzaplex to his room where he hangs up the drawing made for him.

Daycare Substitute Where stories live. Discover now