Ashes of Eden

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Fandom: Good Omens
Spoilers: Good Omens Amazon Original Series Season 1
Rating: General Audiences
CWs: None
Author's Notes: Credit for the chapter title and song lyrics to Ashes of Eden by Breaking Benjamin. I recommend you listen to it! I wrote the chapter to match the pace of the song starting where the song changes, but I guess it ultimately depends on how fast you read. I hope you enjoy this soft little fic! It was one of the first things I wrote for Good Omens all the way back in 2019.


Aziraphale watched Crowley, who was slouched across the sofa and staring moodily at his wine as he swirled it in its glass. The demon had been out of sorts ever since the apocalypse-that-wasn't; he had barely even touched his drink. The angel was worried, but he'd already asked; Crowley had refused to admit something was bothering him. He suspected he was, in some way, part of the cause for his friend's brooding. Aziraphale knew he needed to do something to help Crowley relax and cheer him up, but the angel himself had his own concerns regarding the shift in their relationship and what 'their side' could mean.

Their music changed to something soft, as if the player was trying to urge Aziraphale into action. Nerves fluttered in his stomach, but the angel steeled himself. Enough was enough.

He set his glass aside and stood, slowly approaching the demon and wrapping his hand around Crowley's on his glass. He looked up, startled, as the angel gently removed the glass from his fingers and set it aside. "What-" he started to protest, but there must have been something on Aziraphale's face that stopped him.

Without letting go of his hand, Aziraphale pulled Crowley to his feet and led him into the middle of the room. He wasn't quite sure how the moves went, but he decided to just listen to the music and do what felt right. He placed Crowley's right hand on his hip and rested his left hand on the demon's shoulder, keeping their other hands clasped together.

The demon's eyes widened slightly as Aziraphale began to gently sway with the music, gazes still locked. They rotated in the room, each barely moving their feet as they did. Aziraphale couldn't look away from his companion.

And I am not worthy,

I am not worthy of this.

Crowley's expression was mixed between confusion and bliss. "What are you doing?" he finally asked, voice barely above a whisper. His hands were trembling.

"Dancing," Aziraphale said just as quietly, guiding their gentle movements.

Stay with me, don't let me go;

Because there's nothing left at all.

The light dimmed as the lightbulbs slowly burned out one after another. Aziraphale blinked and there were suddenly flickering candles lining the room, illuminating them with warm, flickering light.

"Sorry," Crowley mumbled, cheeks pink.

"No matter," Aziraphale hummed. "The lights are replaceable."

"Will the candles hurt your books?"


I can hear the voices haunting,

There is nothing left to fear;

And I am still calling,

I am still calling to you.

Crowley's hand twitched, pulling the angel until their chests bumped. They still did not break eye contact, though gold had completely consumed the white of the demon's eyes. "Beautiful," Aziraphale breathed, and through their contact he could feel Crowley's heart skip a beat.

Stay with me, don't let me go;

Until the ashes of Eden fall.

There was a faint frush sound and Aziraphale's wings were curled around them. The tips of his feathers brush Crowley's arms and soon the demon's black wings had wrapped around them as well, holding him even closer against him. Aziraphale could feel the very ends of his partner's primaries trailing along his spine.

Why can't I hear you?

Stay with me, don't let me go.

"I love you," Crowley murmured. His eyes glinted with a touch of fear and his grip on Aziraphale tightened.

Stay with me, don't let me go.

Aziraphale smiled. "I love you too."

Until the ashes of Eden fall.

Crowley's lip twitched and he looked as if he couldn't decide between smiling and crying.

Heaven above me, take my hand.

Aziraphale tilted his head up and tenderly pressed his lips to Crowley's. The demon sighed, all but melting into him as their hands finally parted and they wrapped their arms around each other as they kissed. Serenity filled the angel; he felt more at home here in his demon's arms than he could ever remember feeling in Heaven – or anywhere else.

Shine until there's nothing left but you.

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