When John Arcilla meets you.

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You are a Heneral Luna fan and the makers of it hosted a meet and greet with the casts of the movie. Of course, you wouldn't want to miss this chance and you immediately booked a ticket for it. When it was the day for the meet and greet, you went to the mall and went on one of the seats in front of the stage. Well, you kinda had a crush on the actor of Heneral Luna which is John Arcilla and you heard is he is there, well you had butterflies on your stomach. The meet and greet began and the casts went out the backstage. You saw John Arcilla and you blushed when he met your eyes and he smiled at you. You were going to him at the table since he is signing fanarts and other things. You went in front of him and he asked "Ano pangalan mo?"you told him "Y/N, po." He smiled and you asked him if you could take a photo with him and he said yes. He went beside you and put his hand on your arm and smiled for the photo. After the event, you had butterflies on your stomach and went home. You slept blushing and hoping that kind of event will happen again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2022 ⏰

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