Toono as a foster kid

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It was cold in the basement but Toono was used to it. Toono was 15 and living in a foster care home.Two years ago his parents died in a car crash and got sent to foster care. In two years,he has had a lot of bad homes,some were good but he had a lot of bad homes. This one was one of them. As the door opens up,he is greeted by his foster dad. “Learned manners yet brat?” Says the foster dad. “Enough to let me out” replied Toono ,cold and wanting a blanket. As they walk up the stairs,they walk past the kitchen and Toono grabs a snack. “Put it back,you get no dinner tonight.” Says his Foster dad likes it’s the last bit of food they have.Toono puts it back and heads back to his room,passing his foster sister’s room. She peeked out and handed something she hand swiped before heading to bed. Even though she was little,she understood what was happening to him.

After a while of laying on his bed,Toono began packing his bag. He had tried so many times before in other foster homes but failed each time. As he snuck down from his room,he grabbed some food and drinks from the kitchen table and headed for the front door. When he got outside he started walking left towards the town. This is the furthest I’ve gotten, he thought to himself. It never worked before since he was easily spotted,he has longish hair,green eyes and is dressed in baggy clothing so the neighbour’s easily remembered what he looks like and called his foster home. But this time he made sure no one saw him.

As Toono walks around town,he notices someone in the distance staring at him. Toono walks over to him. “Got a staring problem mate?” Toono asks. “No it’s just that you’re carrying four bags and look tired.” The guy replies back. “You running away,aye? Names Touya,but most people call me dabi.” “….Toono…” Toono says back,scared he’s going to be sent back. “I have a shelter type home close by,if you want you can stay for a while.” Touya says,smiling at him. “Why? So you can rob me in my sleep?” Toono says back. Toono never lived on the street before but he knows what could happen. “Hahaha funny joke,but seriously this part of town is dangerous,if you want to keep your stuff,come with me.” Touya says again,arms crossed. He has black hair and blue eyes and dresses like Toono.  Toono nodded his head and followed him wherever he was going. “I won’t be here tonight but I’ll be here first thing tomorrow” Touya tells him as they arrive.

“Oi wake up!” Touya whispers as he shakes Toono. It was early in the morning and Toono had barely had his eyes open. “I already took your stuff there but you need to get up now!” Touya says more aggressively. “What’s going on?” Toono asks fully awake. “The cops are looking for you! Some family is putting missing photos up of you everywhere and are gonna be here any minute!” Toono layed there processing what he was being told. Had they really come looking for him? But why? He didn’t get time to answer himself when you got yanked off the ground. As they start running. “Where are we going?” Toono says. “Another safe spot,where the cops won’t look.” Touya replies.

A few days Later

“I’m hungry” Toono complains. He hadn't eaten that day or the day before or the day before that. He had no money and his phone was flat so he couldn’t call the foster centre. “Your fault for not bringing any money.” Touya says. He had been disappearing every night but always came back in the morning. Toono smelled rotten and had been running from cops for weeks,but no matter what happened Touya always got himself and him away. “What now?” Tamura sighs. He seemed Sad. “Well I better get going,see ya tomorrow Toonno” Touya says ignoring his question. Touya takes his stuff with him like always to the next location. I should follow him,just in case,Toono thinks. The cops had been around a lot more lately and it was getting harder to move around. As Toono follows him,he sees his stuff get dropped off but sees Touya’s phone light up. Someone was calling him. As Touya answered it,Toono tried to get closer to hear. “…Are you coming home soon? And when are you gonna show us your new friend?” Says the voices on the phone. Touya had a house? But if he did,then why didn’t he take Toono there instead.

As Touya hung up,Toono appeared behind him. “So you have a house?” Touya freezes up when he hears the question. “Yes and I was planning on taking you there in two days, I just had to make sure you weren’t doing anything illegal first.” Touya says, turning around. “Then take me there now,I’ll even take my own stuff too.” Toono replies back,grinning. “But..” “No buts! Let’s go!” As Toono follows Touya,they nearly run into some cops. After a few minutes,they arrive. “Listen,they can be a bit..Weird sometimes so just be careful of that” Touya warns. “Oh so you’re just like them then!” Toono says, trying to cheer up the mood. As they walk in,a woman is there already. “Ah,Touya, what took you so long?” Ask the women. Then she sees Toono. “Oh this must be your friend! So nice to meet you! Everyone! Touya brought his friend over!”

After all the questions Touya’s family asked,Toono explained what had happened to him. “You can live with us!” Exclaimed Touya’s sisters. “Just make sure you tell foster care and the police. And that’s what Toono did. After all the paperwork,Toono started living with Touya that day.

The end

Toono as a foster kidWhere stories live. Discover now