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◝‿◜: listen to them, nod if needed, you can hug...idk if this help but i would love if they do this to me ..

◝‿◜: mayb u can say- I'm here for u, its okay to cry",use kind words to show that you care about them.words are powerful tools.don't ask "but why/how/what"

It's funny how i can give tips or advices to people bout how to comfort those who have problem .. when I'm never been comfort by others nor share my problems with anyone

I may look problem free.. but little did they know- it hurts me more when they say "how lucky are you to have no problem at all"... Do they even think before they speak ? Who's in the world don't have problem ? Everyone have their own problem, do i ..

I knew you have it too...

I didn't display my feelings doesn't means i don't have any.

My circle is full with those judgemental people who don't even try to understand others, who love to gives criticism and full of negativity. They jump to conclusion and speak what is on their mind...

You know what irritates me the most?

When you compare my problems with yours. I prefer to avoid openly share anything about me. I started to have trust issue with everything. I'm scared to be myself in front of others. I have become an overthinking person who constantly thought she's annoying on every little thing she does.
I concerns about myself.


I need a person who care, who try their best to show the care. All i ask is to listen to my concern, to the sad feelings that turns out in my life.. its not easy for me to open up what in my thoughts is.

Answer is not what i need.. i did not ask for any advices to settle my problems.. the only thing i need is someone to listen to me without having a fear of being judged.

I know this maybe weird since I never truly show how much I love physical touch. You may see me avoid any skin touch with everyone. I hate when someone touch me without my concern.

I raised in a family who never tried to listen to my reason. Whenever I try to speak up for myself, i would get scolded and would be accused as 'talkback' .

I have felt the pain of being hit, slap, kick and my hair got pulled. Mostly, it because of my fault so i can bear with that. It's not abuse! Its only happen on rare occasion as I can say it just happen once a year when I make a problem. That's how learn lesson. But hurts :)

It's not that i hate skin ship but i do not have the trust to give to others to touch me. So, display yo ur care to me! I'm appreciate that so much

once I put my trust on you
Show me the affection. I would love if someone touch me as grabbing my hands. When you see me looking hopeless, offer me your tight embrace. lend your shoulder to cry on. I may need something to help me

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2022 ⏰

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