Happy Birthday

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It's  Kaeyas birthday and Diluc is waiting for him at the tavern

Diluc opened the door, he threw his leather jacket on the hanger and slipped behind the bar. He immediately began to place Kaeyas favourite wine on the table and put 4 shot glasses next to it. Today had to be perfect, he couldn't fuck up like he did last time. He then proceeded to check todays shift "10am-11pm". 


Suddenly, a group of men that seemed to be 20-30 barged through the tavern door, knocking over a chair in the process, and sat in front of Diluc.

"So what's on the menu today pretty boy?" the man said as if he was trying to flirt with the red-headed bartender who didn't seem the slightest bit impressed.

"It's right next to you, idiot, if you didn't barge through my door like a bunch of animals you would have seen it"

"A bit moody today are we?" the man chuckled as he edged closer to him.

Diluc snapped back at the man

"I do not have time to put up with this type of behaviour, if you continue to act like this i'll have no choice but to kick you out." 

With that being said the group of stood up and left to go sit at the back of the tavern where they continued to talk about Diluc. He let out a deep sigh, how could people be so weird to someone they have never even met.. He felt like kicking them out but he didn't have the energy to get up and leave so he just had to put up with hearing them talk shit about him and try not to get upset by it. 

"Hurry up..." he whispered to himself as he tied his long, fluffy red hair up in a tight ponytail.

Hours went by and there was still no sight of him, Diluc started to worry as it was getting dark outside and his brother was yet to arrive. He watched the rain bash down on the wooden tables outside and the butterflies being crushed by the heavy water droplets that seemed to weigh more than them.

"Where the fuck are you Kaeya..." Diluc groaned, dragging his hands down his cold, pale face and began to ask the drunkards if they had seen him. But of course Diluc had no luck, no one seemed to know where he was.... They all responded with the same thing.

"Mister kaeya isn't here anymore" or "You haven't heard?"

There was no hope, Diluc knew there was no way of knowing where his brother was unless he looked for him himself but he was afraid that he would miss him so he just waited...and waited.... and waited for hours on end hoping that his dear brother would show up. But.... something... unexpected happened. The tavern door opened and Jean , The acting grandmaster , entered the building.

"Diluc? I was looking for you everywhere... Why is the tavern still open?" She asked as she took of her gloved "It should have closed an hour ago.."

"I'm afraid that I cannot close yet, Kaeya is yet to arrive." He said in a monotone voice, as if he was some sort of robot.

"Oh Diluc... no ones told you have they...." Jean said in a soft voice as she walked up to him.

"Told me what??"

"Kaeya... he......he killed himself last night Diluc, I'm so sorry.." Jean told him, as cold tears began to roll down her soft cheeks.

The room fell silent. Diluc stood as still as a mannequin,  His dark red eyes began to widen allowing a river of tears to roll down his face hitting the cold wooden floorboards. He fell to his knees and placed his hands on his mouth allowing him to let out all of the emotions he was feeling that very moment. 

"It's all my fault......isn't it....?" He asked in a shaky voice. "I'm the reason why Kaeya is now nothing but a faint memory."

The end <3

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