One Shot

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'.........' is spells.

~Hiiii~ is Parceltongue Aka Snake language.

'Hello!' is speaking.


Harry walked sulkily through the stone clad corridors as people whispered about him whilst throwing untrusting glances. His friends Ron and Hermione had also been ignoring him. Now, you may wonder how he got here so let me tell you.

There had been attacks going on in the school. No one knew what was doing it but they did think that it was a Slytherin because of a message that was written on the wall on Halloween <Enemies of the heir beware>. It was written in blood. Now somehow, from that message, everyone got the assumption that because it said 'enemies of the HEIR beware' that it was the heir of Slytherin doing this.

Unfortunately, the first attack (on a cat) happened when Harry and his friend were there so at first everyone assumed it was one of them because they were the first people they saw at the scene of the crime. However, the thought that it was Harry solidified in their minds when a duelling club happened.

Harry was fighting Draco Malfoy his bully/enemy in Hogwarts. At first Draco used a spell that sent Harry flying backwards onto his ass and so he retaliated by doing the same thing back to him. However, this is where it went wrong, Draco, the idiot he was, used a spell he had read in one of his dad's semi dark books. Serpensortia. (That's the spell that started all of this.) You see, Harry can speak a language that only one other person can....Voldemort. The snake language is what they can speak, the ability to speak to snakes, now because Draco sent a snake out the teachers were going to dispose of it, however a not very competent one tried instead and just ended up making it more angry and so it tried to attack a student.

However, Harry managed to talk it out of it just before a teacher got rid of it. But sadly the damage was done, everyone heard him speaking to it and so now everyone thinks that he is the heir of Slytherin.

(Back to present)

Harry had just found out Hermione had been attacked by the creature and was about to leave the hospital wing after visiting. Just as he was saying goodbye, he felt something in Hermione's hand. He looked down, pried her hand open and weirdly a piece of paper fell out. Harry read it and was shocked at what he had read <Spiders flee before it, the Basilisk is a well-known predator of the spider and has also been known to kill people when they look it in the eye>.

Now at first Harry was a bit confused as to why Hermione was looking at this because in his mind all he saw was that it kills. However subsequently Harry remembered that no one had ever looked it in the eye - colin (the first victim) looked at it through his camera, Justin well Justin saw it through a ghost. Then there is Mrs. Norris, the cat, she saw it through water coming out of the girl's forbidden lavatory, and Hermione? She had a mirror in her hand and was looking at it when Harry walked in. Harry had figured it out. He had found out what was doing the attacking and had a huge idea on where from. So, we then see Harry almost sprinting, that's how fast he was running, the girls forbidden lavatory.


Someone had blocked the door.


Harry was getting frustrated.







The door broke down.

Harry was exhausted but he had no time to stop, 'BOMBARDA' he yelled pointing his wand at the sink (that suspiciously had a snake on the taps).


Concrete and brick flew everywhere, a huge shockwave reverberated through the room and out the broken doorway, though Harry paid no mind to any of this. All he cared about was stopping whoever was Attacking by setting the Basilisk loose in Hogwarts. It did not seem to cross Harry's mind that HIS power had just broken through 1000-year-old protections that had kept the chamber a secret and keeping people from getting in for centuries.

Time skip

Harry had just reached what seemed to be a vault lock though the locks looked like snakes, so he did what any other snake speaking person and spoke one simple word.


The door opened just as he had hoped it would. He was interested in how the door recognised the word 'open' however he was not there for that and decided to walk in.

What he saw shocked him to his core and sent shivers traveling through his -just then- very cold body.......

The Basilisk was SAT there hissing away at what seemed to be a ghost, but it couldn't be a ghost as he was holding a book or what looked like a diary. Harry stood there frozen in fear, however he remembered what he was there for and decided to just wing it.

'Acio diary!' rang through the chamber as said diary came zooming towards Harry's outstretched hand.

Stunned silence pierced the already tense atmosphere as the ghost looking boy turned around slowly in both shock and anger. ~Get him!~ The ghost yelled at the Basilisk.

Harry ran for it. As he was turning a corner he accidently tripped on his cloak and fell on his glasses. 'No no no no no' Harry frantically murmured searching for his now broken glasses. However, he had no time as he heard the hissing and slithering getting closer to him. He picked up the diary and held it in front of him hoping the snake would bite it instead. He was in luck... kind of. The snake bit the book but it also bit his arm in the process. Harry was in excruciating pain because of this and wasn't thinking clearly and so he ripped his arm away from the snake which dislodged its tooth in the process. He didn't hear the pained screams of the ghost boy as he disappeared in a puff of golden magic.

Harry couldn't see much, first of all because of the amount of pain he was in but also because his glasses were broken and he couldn't find them. Just then however he remembered about the Basilisk and was glad to see it in pain and ignoring him. As he levelled his wand with the snake's mouth he thought of a spell that hadn't failed him yet, 'Bombarda'!



Brain matter everywhere; on the walls, on the ceiling, on Harry's clothes. Everywhere.

Harry breathed a breath of relief but that relief didn't last long as he felt sharp pain in his right arm. Harry panicked suddenly remembering that the venom of a Basilisk bite is extremely fatal and only phoenix tears can heal it. Sadly there was no phoenix anywhere near, and Harry seemed to realize that as he suddenly started sobbing in sadness and agony, saying how he didn't want to die like this.....or at all...

The end!

I really hope you enjoyed this One shot! Please tell me if you do im new to this sort of thing :')

Harry potter and the chamber of secrets (One shot)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang