Entry 1

2 1 0

Monday - 14th rotation around the Asterian star

   My name is Elliot , 13th platoon of the 2nd Assault Regiment heading over to Asteria to assist with the "seizing of resources" on their planet. Command estimates that "Operation Adonis" wouldn't take more then six months considering how the Ares group would be backed up by several other Militias to seize control over the Eastern part of Asteria and its two moons.

   I must admit, it's a bit weird writing on this diary of mine, i've never really written anything on here before. I don't even know why i brought it from home in the first place, maybe it's a kind of a sentimental thing? 

   This convoy shouldn't take more then a couple days to reach the FOB the 1st Assault Regiment had set up on Asteria, those guys went through hell from the stories I've been hearing.

   Troop-carriers were shot down from the sky before they could even land, Asterian soldiers doing nighttime raids when everyone's guards were down. It took the 1st regiment a whole month to even set up the FOB in the first place. After establishing a sat-link to our Capital ship they started moving the rest of the troops and supplies down to Asteria, the reserves stayed behind in case anything happened on the ship.

   And now I'm sitting here with my platoon in the cargo bay. The noise had died down a bit the past few hours, everyone's either asleep or doing their own thing. The red light kind of gives a warm feeling, the lights are supposed to be some sort of indication that it's time for us to sleep or something, also acts as a nightlight of sorts, not that it matters since space is just.... dark.

  Sleeping would be great though, if I wasn't wearing these stupid BDU's all the time, especially with the armor on and everything. Feels like im carrying a sack of bricks on my back . Not to mention our weapons too.

   Can't believe that after two-hundred something years in the future we're still using bullets, i remembered learning something in History Class of a war that happened on Terra a couple centuries back, it was called the Vyenam war?? or something? Anyways, they were using bullets, and I'm pretty sure a couple wars back people were still using bullets, with two-hundred years of human progress i wouldn't have expected nothing short of a Pulse Rifle but, beggars can't be choosers, bullets do as much damage as a pulse rifle, they're much cheaper at that too.

   All regular infantry weapons are kept by the user here. they keep the anti-tank stuff further down the cargo bay, the fancy stuff i think they're in the ship across, one of the newer models. I think i saw them loading up mech's and some sort of... ion cannon? i don't know what it was, never seen before. Seems like the Ares group got their hands on some new tech.

   Well... i don't really know how to end a diary entry soooo. thank you? i think? Is that what people do?

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jul 07, 2022 ⏰

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