Scene 1: Opening sequence/credits

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Camera zooms through the clouds, along with names credited atop. And then after getting through the clouds, the camera shows a town, colorful buildings and houses aligned down the street.

Camera zooms in even more to a lobby, where Daniel is seated on a bench. He is reading a book/magazine. His shadow's eyes and mouth pop open, a playful grin on his face. Daniel looks behind him, and the shadow turns back to normal. Daniel continues reading. The shadow comes to life once again, and the same thing happens. The third time, the shadow lifts up the book/magazine into the air, and it floats out of Daniel's hands. He's shocked and tries to grab it back, but falls off the bench. After some more struggling, he eventually manages to grab it. A male voice calls his name from down a hallway at the end of the lobby, and Daniel lets out a sigh of relief, placing the book/magazine down on the bench as he grabs his suitcase from which he placed on the floor. He makes his way down the hallway, into a large room with a long wooden table along with steel chairs aligned along each side, and tall windows, sunshine beaming through them and giving the room light. A large chubby man with a curly mustache and a banker hat gestures Daniel to take a seat next to a tall, large, mysterious man in a tan trench coat with a matching hat that caused shade which made it

difficult to see his face. Daniel inaudibly gulps, nervously turning his head away from the figure and towards the direction where Boss was standing. A bunch of people arrive at the meeting soon after, beginning credits are finished and dialogue begins.

Boss (Chubby man): "So, as you all know sales have been down quite a bit lately. As the founder, [whispering] and the true intelligent mind behind this company, [normal voice] it pains me to stand idly by while we continue to lose money and roll downhill."

Short woman: "Sir, I hate to digress, but we all have been trying our very darndest to keep Townsend Insurance (temporary company name) standing up straight on its feet."

Sudden silence filled the room, and murmurs among the employees started about. Boss looked around, a singular sweatdrop travelling down the side of his face. He cleared his throat, breaking the silence.

Boss: "But of course, my dear Ms. Scott (short woman), of course. Why, that is what I called all of you up here for. I simply need you all to work a little more than what you can already do. If anything can keep Townsend Insurance from going under, it's going above your best! Instead of giving 100% effort, let's say.. Hmm.. 120%, eh? I'd say that would do the job quite nicely."

Groans emerged from the employees throughout the spacey room.

Boss: "[triumphant chuckle] Now, now. I wouldn't complain if I were you. Wouldn't want your paychecks reduced now, would you? Anyway, that will be all for this meeting. I should love to see you all again in this room for a recapitulation in four weeks. Good day."

All the employees stand up from their seats, grab their things, and head out the door, except for Daniel who is the last to leave. He is about to exit when Boss stops him, calling his name once again.

Daniel: "[stands still for a minute, before slowly spinning around on his feet and pointing one finger-gun hand towards Boss] Heyy, Mr. Townsend (aka 'Boss').. What's up? I'm kind've about to head out, so uh.."

Mr. Townsend: "Oh, of course. I just have one little assignment for you. You can do one little assignment for me, right?"

Mr. Townsend looks expectantly at Daniel, who before replying, let out a slightly frustrated sigh and dragged himself over towards where the boss stood up from his chair.

Daniel: "What's the assignment?"

Mr. Townsend: "[he smiles, walking over to his desk in a corner of the room, and pulling out a folder of papers from one of the drawers, he walks back over to Daniel and hands it to him] I expect that you will finish in at least 1 to 2 days?"

Daniel: "Yes, sir.. I'll get started as soon as I can."

Mr. Townsend: "Good! Now run along my friend, you'll want to get home before dark. Crooks have been particularly active during nighttime, I've heard."

Daniel: "Right, um, I'll.. keep that in mind. See you later, Mr. Townsend."

Mr. Townsend: "Farewell, my boy."

Both of the men wave to each other before Daniel leaves. The scene cuts to night time, panning from the moon to Daniel's two story house.

There is a cut once again and we see him in a large workspace, supposedly on the second floor. He is working on the papers he was given by the boss. He has a light that's flashing on and off by itself. We then get a view behind Daniel, which is where his shadow (a.k.a "Shadow Dan") is cast. The lights continue to flash on and off, and the shadow has an annoyed look on his face. He let out a bored sigh, and starts to entertain himself by forming his hands in the shape of a bird, which then becomes a real shadow bird, and it lands on the shadow's arm. He smiles greatly, looking from the bird to Daniel, and points at it hoping he would notice. But Daniel was too caught up in his work to notice. The bird starts to peck the shadow on the head. Daniel is about to take a break for the night, but before he turns around in his chair the shadow turns back to normal. During this scene, Shadow Dan is narrating:

Shadow Dan (Daniel's shadow): "Yep, there's my Daniel. Just doing his job as usual. Possibly the most tedious job in the world. Oh, I don't mean his.. Mine! Yes, that's me. Okay, I admit it. I was bored with my life! With our lives. And for the first time in.. well, years, I plan to do something about it."

Title sequence starts, and then after it's done, screen fades to black and cuts to the next scene.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2022 ⏰

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